Wrongfully accused

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We were all dressed in black. We were at Ricky's funeral. The hardest time for Dexter and trying to hide that he "doesn't have feelings." Everyone in mourning. Except the two of us. I really didn't know Ricky very well and well Dexter is a sociopath or something. Though he sure acts like a typical big brother when it comes to me and Deb. People made speeches on Ricky. A lot of people were crying and or weeping. It's hard going to a funeral and not crying like everyone else. People will wonder what's wrong with you. Dexter is not good at grief so shades come in handy. He gave me a pair too since I wasn't crying either. And that's hard for me as an empath I am always crying when other people cry. No matter what emotion I have I cry. And Dexter above everyone knew that. And because he knew that he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to him into kind of a side hug.

A detective named Steve was talking about how the department was full of good cops but that no offense he didn't want any of them hitting on his sister. But that Ricky was different. That he was the kind of person that you wanted your sister to fall for because he respected her and married her. James was trying to hold back his real emotions. Steve said he didn't think he ever saw Kara happier than when she was with Ricky. I guess maybe we were by the ocean or something because the parents of the deceased scattered the ashes into the sea. James said it was a travesty. Some of the other cops had heard that he was going after the boss guy that ordered the hits. Her brother said he didn't realize that James and Ricky were so close. But the truth was he was sleeping with his wife so it wasn't about that. And he said it wasn't about that just that if you kill a cop you don't deserve to walk the streets anymore.

Maria who didn't even know Ricky or that he was probably a cop until Deb told her said that we were heartbroken over the tragic loss. And how she called him the gutsiest man on the police force. How she said he knew no fear. This really upset Deb because she was lying. She hadn't known anything about this man. And we knew it. She asked us how were holding up since she knew that Dexter and I hated funerals. Dexter was faking it of course his face all pinched up to look like he was in sorrow the last 2 hours which is not easy though he makes it look that easy. But we said we were fine. She gave my arm a squeeze of sympathy said she could take me to go get ice cream if I wanted to. Dexter can come if he's free. Unless you need her for something. You know what you take her I've got some things I need to do. Wanna see if Jack wants to come too? She offers. I roll my eyes but say sure. As long as she doesn't leave us that we're supposed to be bonding. So I text Jack to meet up with us and the 3 of us go for ice cream.

You sure you don't want me to pay? At least for my own? He asks her. No it's fine we asked you to come and I offered it to my big sister I'm paying. She's older than you? Yeah well she doesn't look like or act like it. Deb says. Good genes I guess. I mean my siblings are like so pretty. That's so nice thank you. Deb turns to me. I can't remember the last time someone said that to me. Can we just like tell people you're the younger sister? I guess I laugh. Except everyone that knows us knows I'm older than you. I laugh. Sure sure whatever. I just hope you never feel like you go unnoticed or flying under the radar. No way never. You ask about my life and my relationships like typical annoying siblings and treat me like a little sister and take care of me like one. I never feel like a stereotypical middle child. You guys come to all my shows and cheer the loudest to an embarrassing level to anyone else. I didn't know you did theatre? Jack says. Oh yeah theatre singing the whole thing. Anything you can't do? I'm not good at math or sports. I'm also afraid of pretty much everything I'm the biggest scaredy cat you'll ever meet.

Meanwhile Dexter was out buying shovel for the next job he was gonna work. I would've asked what he needed to do but he probably couldn't tell me with Deb there. At a correction facility there is a prison guard standing out front releasing a bunch of people to excited families awaiting their arrival to get out of prison. And Dexter was saying something while breaking the 4th wall that FL prisons kick free 25,000 inmates a year but it doesn't do anything for Dexter. Though he says it sure feels like it. And now here he was getting his supplies. He watches the young men having just bought the new shovel as the people he watches are getting newly released. He says he searches for the ones that think beat the system and that they're not hard to find like Jeremey Downs. The guards escorts Jeremey he has no one waiting for him he gets into a van that says Homestead Halfway House on it. He's 19 years old. Closer to Deb's age. Today Dexter would tell you he's just another piece of trash on the street but that he was the "toast" 4 years ago.

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