I'm a survivor

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Thankfully after our last encounter with the ITK with the photo Dexter was the one that had the photo and now the evidence of us being there is gone he burned it. Dexter like to pretend that he's all alone. That I'm the only one he welcomes into his world. If we want the world to just be the two of us then it will be. There is no one else I'd rather have at my side. Especially because the outside world is a dark and dangerous and scary place. People so much worse than Dexter. He's not a monster he's just Dexter. His new little friend he wanted him to be the monster he thought he was but he's not. I knew he had it in him. I was proud but also the last guy didn't fit the code. But that means there would be no one to hide from or act normal for. If it was just the two of us. He said I could keep Jack so that I'd be happy too and he already knew the secret.

We are snapped out of our thoughts and our peaceful convo when James snaps at us to get back to work and for some reason doesn't like it when Dexter smiles. I'm pretty much done here for now until Dexter can get a look and show us something new we were waiting for the forensics to finish up we tell him. He said something about tearing a bed apart I came out to get some air though it's not always clean as we are in Miami. But Dex isn't the only one that likes isolation he's had a shadow following us mostly him around and they have also picked this place. Needing Dexter means there's blood. This was his place for a while it seemed where had had his base of operations. How many pictures of the same thing can I take until Dex gives me something new to work with? It looked like one of Dexter's sets ups except no plastic. But Dexter is sad because he feels that all these people looking over it is disrespectful.

When I hear Maria start talking I do my best to drown her out instead of wanting to actually drown her in cut up trash bag in Dexter's little circle of heaven where everything is all cleaned up from all his victims. Happy thoughts happy thoughts. Dexter bringing you on to be his partner to make you not fear him sitting with Harry looking at photos Dex punishing you for moving things. Meeting Jack working with him having lunch together doing art projects with him and the kids. Dex and Deb being playful because you're the only "normal" think in their lives. Happy happy thoughts. Maria being run over by a semi truck. I said happy not dark urge-y. I remind myself. I roll my eyes but forget to do it on the inside as my facial expressions are seen on the outside. Oops. Oh well. She begs Dexter to tell her the killer bled on something. He was here for days playing with sharp objects she reminds him. I'll have another look but so far the place is spotless. He tells her. And the only blood we found was the security guard's. He felt it was amazingly spotless. He was very happy about this despite it makes it hard for is to catch the killer if things are so clean. We wonder if he's said anything yet but the victim is still unconscious and she begs him to find something anything as she gets called away.

This guy is not a ghost and our last victim is evidence of that. And as she walked away we now also had to talk to Vince. Another person I wanted to see dead for a whole other bunch of reasons. And if you knew him like the rest of us did you would too. He wanted to know if Dexter had gotten all the blood on camera. And then they moved some things around and lifted stuff and then Vince said what's that?! What's what? I jumped to Dexter's side in the middle of taking photos. It turned out to be more rats as I jumped up to higher ground I didn't like them last night I don't like them again now. And of course we knew if we got closer they were carrying diseases and that's when we asked the lights to be turned off which just scared me more as I held on to Dexter as we turned on flashlights. James was upset about the rats. Dex got out one of those blood light things and looked for more clues like blood. Deb came down thought we wouldn't find anything since they hadn't found anything yet anyways and thought maybe that this was all just a bust. But at this point we were just biding our time till Tony woke up so Deb suggested we take a break.

You guys have been working on this 24/7 as Deb put it. And since we all had been he wanted to know if we were avoiding our personal lives?! I have a personal life. I remind him. I have several jobs that I work and I go to class and I do theatre. I hang out with Jack and go on "dates" with him or whatever. I hang out with my siblings. Like we're kind of doing now but it's also our job. We must be pretty close to all be working together. Mostly I knew the comment was thrown at Deb. But it could be said about any of us really. It doesn't have to either or you know? Maybe for you guys but if I found someone you can too Dexter encouraged. And all Farrah and Jack need to do is put a label on things and call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. But the trouble is keeping them. By this point the lights came back on. Tell me about it Deb exclaimed. I guess that's what I was worried about being able to keep Jack. He and his dad they knew everything. And they were mafia members that ran a smoothie place as their cover story. Did they put poison in the ones that they knew were people that had escaped justice something that wouldn't take right away people like Dexter people like Dexter that had no code or people that were on to people like us that would ruin everything if they kept living?! Could they trust us and could we trust them?

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