We're one in the same

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While Dexter has always felt safer in the dark and feels that it is easier to hide secrets that way and it's easier that way that's the only thing we agree on. But it's hard to tell in the dark who owns your heart. Also I'm terrified of the dark the lights go out my heart races like no tomorrow. Though it's true that it is easier to hide secrets. But bad things can also happen to you in the dark where no one can see you or hear you scream. Well they can hear you but no one can see. Blood stays hidden and so is your pain. But also if you're a victim and someone attacks you and you can't see well in the dark or they come up behind you then you are alone and there are no witnesses. More crimes happen at night than in brode daylight. But for now we can hear the wind howling there's blood on white tile. And there's a gun on a rug soaked in blood. Dexter would tell you that in the light you can't control what people see and people say they want the truth.

Where we are a naked woman is inside of jacuzzi with her brains splattered. Sometimes and most times the truth can be pretty ugly like now for instance. But we are torn from our thoughts when we hear Angel he felt this was like a horror flick. Something else I hated and was terrified of. Tropical storm power outage naked dead girl all we needed now was the killer. Though Angel felt this was a suicide but of course someone like Dexter would know otherwise and I would actual police or detectives like Angel would as well and not just serial killers. Dexter was talking about how she had to have been killed because firearm were usually men but women often slit their wrists or taking pills something more "lady like." But then Angel said women kill themselves twice as much as men do and odds were she did this to herself but Dexter doesn't do odds he had to be sure. Once the lights on the scene get turned on and I'm able to take better photos Angel asks Dexter what he sees as he looks at the blood spatter pattern. He says he sees a rhino while Angel says bunny rabbit while I roll my eyes. This was not an ink blot test this was a crime scene.

The bathtub was fancy so we had to wonder if the husband was rich. Also there was a lot of like art pieces and Angel told us that the husband was an aspiring artist and we saw many blown glass pieces. So we agreed that she was supporting him and then we were told that she was the 3rd high powered woman to shoot herself in the last two years that got to be above average. And because we're pretty sure this is a killing and not a suicide that would mean if this is kill number 3 that's a serial killer and that means my serial killer big brother has another fish to fry time to figure out who it is and plan their demise. And figure out who the real ITK is since the wrong guy is in prison since he had no idea who Dexter and I were. And I knew everything we were finding in the back of his mind but feels if she did do this to herself she was considerate to do it in the bathtub which meant easy clean up for the rest of us. But Angel is upset he says he would never do that to his wife and that the husband is wreck. Well unless he was the killer than that's understandable and of course Angel would never do this he's a good person.

Outside the storm goes on but James talks to the husband Alex. He was sobbing and was also 10 years younger than her and is telling him that he went out to pick up dinner and said his wife Vanessa was gonna take a bath and that he came back to this. His clothes were stained with blood he said he tried to give her CPR but it didn't work. James asked if she had problems had she been depressed Alex says no. James tried to remind him she may have been really stressed with her work when Alex said he knew how it looked but she would never do this to herself he knew she was killed. Said he read the papers that people can make it look like people committed suicide even if they didn't and maybe it was someone she put in jail. But we had to keep all our options open. But we told him we still had to take photos and collect evidence. Meanwhile Deb was in the car with Rudy he was driving her to the scene of the crime.

She needs to get inside the house where the dead body is but he doesn't want to let her go he tells her that with weather like this makes him stay inside order a pizza and then not eat it as he pulls her in to kiss her. She wishes she could stay he tells her to come over after and she teases him that she'll bring her handcuffs. Of course she gets crap about this from Vince and James. Questioning her on her relationship but she refuses to give them any details which is a new one for her. James tells her he wants her to go around the neighborhood asking people what the relationship was like with the victim and her husband. It's always the husband right? Dexter starts as we exit the house. Was I talking to you? James scolds. Then he turns back to Deb saying it looked like a suicide but that the husband was a young guy had no job and maybe killed her for money. We were confused by this as we followed after her.

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