Chapter 1

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After the talk with Ego, [Name] was quick to strut out with one destination on her mind, the gym specifically made for the volleyball club. While she badly wanted to go home already, she figured she'd at least scrutinize the facility to see if it was worth stepping her foot on.

[Name] would be stuck in this school for a few years to come so she isn't settling for anything that isn't worthy of her presence.

After a while of slowly walking, the setter finally encountered the huge gym Ego was boasting to her about earlier. The outside was a bit plain looking with its grey-painted walls but it was fine, all that truly mattered was how the inside looked and what type of quality materials are available for use.

Walking near the automatic door, it immediately opened up for her in order to let her in. Turning her head from left to right, she immediately observed that the inside wasn't as big as the outside made it to be.

While the ceiling height was indeed large, the floor size wasn't as wide as she expected but it was adequate enough for her to use. After all, having too big of a space will end up being a disadvantage in the end.

After surveying the room, [Name] noticed a few stray balls surrounding a cart filled with volleyballs causing her to let out an annoyed tsk. Taking her hands out of her pockets, the female quickly walked to the cart with long strides.

'How irresponsible.' She thought to herself as she lifted one of the balls off of the ground to inspect its brand and quality. 'It seems that the players here can't even clean up for themselves.'

With an annoyed huff, she tossed the ball inside the cart with a flick of her hand. After that, her eyes settled on another fallen ball before doing the same thing she did to the first.

Soon enough, everything was back in its proper place causing [Name] to let out a satisfied hum. While she didn't like the fact that there were members irresponsible enough to leave their used equipment lying around after they were done practicing, she suppose she'll let it slide just this once.

She had just gotten here after all. It wouldn't do her well to immediately complain about one minor inconvenience. The second time this happens though, let it be known that Ego and everyone else will be getting an earful.

Annoy her once, she might let it slide. Annoy her twice, that's on you. But annoy her thrice? Not even the gods can help you.

Crossing her arms against her chest, [Name] figured she might as well leave now before anyone comes in for extra practice during lunch. Based on her memory, she knows that classes were about to be dismissed and she didn't want to risk anyone seeing her so soon.

"Well, well, look who we have here~"

So much for not being seen.

Turning around, [Name]'s mood immediately soured once she realized just who had called out to her. With long blonde hair that's been cut in the most horrid way possible paired with manic blue eyes, it was practically impossible not to recognize who the other female was.

"Mikayla Kaiser." The German prodigy merely smirked at the call of her name as she tilted her head to the side mockingly. 

"What an honor! So little Miss [Name] does remember my name!"

The blonde spiker kept her arrogant grin up as she started to walk towards the setter with her chin held high. "Who would've thought we'd end up meeting again in this way?" She kept walking up until she was standing right in front of [Name].

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Germany?" [Name] narrowed her eyes as she had to look up a bit in order to meet the other's eyes. Don't get her wrong, she was a lot taller compared to the normal Japanese females but Mikayla was unfortunately still a head taller than her.

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