Chapter 5

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After an annoyingly long wait, the teacher finally wrapped up her class and told the students that they were free to pack up and leave. Tired groans and small cheers could be heard at that announcement before they greeted the teacher goodbye.

[Name] fixed her things into her bag, not in any rush at all unlike the other students who hurriedly fled the classroom, eager to hang out with their friends or just lay down and rest back home.

"You're going to the volleyball club's gym, right?" Hiori asked suddenly as placed his backpack over his right shoulder, his cyan eyes staring at the girl still packing up her stuff.

"Mhm." She answered simply before finally standing up with her zipped-up bag in hand. While she normally left it at that, she couldn't help but meet his gaze. "And you're going home?" She asked in a cool tone.

"I wish but we have a quick meeting in the football club." Hiori sighed, an awkward smile playing on his face at the mention of the sport.

"I see." [Name] once again gave another short answer as she started to make her way towards the door. Hiori didn't seem to mind that response as he merely caught up to her, matching up towards her stiff pacing.

They walked in silence as [Name] kept her head steady in the direction she was going while Hiori merely followed with his head gazing at the windows in the hallway. "So..." He started eventually. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked suddenly, his face immediately scrunching in regret the moment those words left his lips.

"No," [Name] answered smoothly without even flinching. "I'm an only child."

Hiori seemed to stagger in surprise at the answer as he paused for a second. "E-eh?? Really!?" Had he not known any better, he might've believed her with how easily she answered without batting an eye. "You're not lying, are you?" He whispered as he once again rushed to catch up to her pace.

"Why would I lie? And even if I was, it's not any of your business." Hiori merely smiled at the sharp answer as he laughed awkwardly. Being painfully blunt must be part of the Itoshi genes or something because damn that stung him a bit.

"I see then..." He ended up opting for that answer as they once again fell into some sort of silence, albeit a much more awkward one this time. Hiori scratched his head as he thought of how to elevate the atmosphere between them. "Do you want to drop by the Football club after your meeting then? Isagi, Nanase, and the others play Football too so they'll be there as well."

[Name] raised an eyebrow at the sudden offer as she glanced at Hiori from the corner of her eyes. "Why?" She couldn't help but ask skeptically. Hiori was up to something and with what he's said so far, she could make a wild guess on what it's about.

"We usually head over to a nearby convenience store to get popsicles after practices." Hiori lifted a hand as he explained, a tiny smile on his face. "I just thought you might want to come."

"Popsicles..." She mumbled, a distant memory she pushed away beginning to resurface. "Alright then." She sighed as they finally reached one of the school's side exits that would lead them to where most of the facilities were held behind the school. 

Hiori's eyes seemed to widen with surprise for a moment before grinning. While [Name] was a bit cold in her own way, she wasn't as hard to talk to, unlike another black-haired Itoshi he knew of.

"Great! I'll see you later then!" Hiori waved [Name] goodbye as he sprinted off in a different direction that led directly to the field. The girl merely nodded as she kept walking to where the gym she visited last time was directed.

Despite it being a bit over the end of classes, she was in no rush to head over to the gym. While she wasn't usually fond of not being punctual, she'd do it just this once to piss of Mikayla since she's annoying.

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