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"I don't get it. From the photo that Stella received, it clearly showed he had almost zero chance of getting out. Then how the hell he managed to escape?"Jack asked
"Maybe he didn't escape. Maybe he is still a captive and the killer didn't really want to kill him at that moment, just wanted to pass a message " Ross spoke.
"Nope.I don't think that killer would spare him. From all the evidence till now and previous cases we can say that he enjoys doing all this.He finds fun in seeing people suffering. Infact I think killer doesn't even know that the person whose body was found is not Fabian.We will keep him in delusion that Fabian died" Stella told them
" He seems like a psychotic weirdo from all that we have seen "Suzie spoke
" About this whole situation of how the person got changed at the crime scene is still strange" Stella said.
"We can take talk to Detective Nathan seeing that he found the body first,maybe he found some clue and he can help us out."Alex asked Stella
"No. We are not doing that."
"Why? I know you are doubtful of him, even I find him cold but that maybe your misunderstanding. Because serial killer suspect is a huge thing"Jack said
" It's not just any suspicion Jack. Even I didn't want to believe first because I was his partner for three years in Narcotics.
And facts say it otherwise.
First of all how did he know that killer sent me jewellery of parents along with the photo. Because as far as I remember it I just showed the photo to the team and our senior at station.
Only Suzie and I were the one who knew about that. So how?"
Suzie agreed.
" Besides I know how serious this whole matter is. It destroyed everything that I loved.
So no...I am not judging this whole situation based on just my instincts "Stella told them
"Stella here it is " Ross showed something to her on laptop.
"What is it?" Jack asked
"Background check on Nathan "
All were surprised to see that and were starting at him
I am good at it.
Give me computer and Wifi, I can do numbers "He smirked.
"Well done bro"Alex patted on his back
"Okay so from all the information I have gathered,it shows that Nathan was a single child.
He lived with his mom until he was 12 and then his mom died in an unknown fire accident at his home. After that there are no records of him for next 7-8 years and then he joined the police force.That's it."Ross explained
"Wait.." Stella interrupted "Fire incident?What about the case? How did it happen?"
"And also what about the dad?" Jack asked.
"About the fire case, nothing was found and later on they labelled it as accident.
And about the dad,he was not in the picture so in that line... nothing.
"Ross, Alex both of you find something on who is Nathan's dad. Anything will do and..."
"Guys this has to wait for now let's go over to the crime scene. We got one more murder to solve. Everything same" Jack told everyone

Everyone reached at the crime scene and saw that their fear was coming true. It was indeed raining murders one after the other.
Only thing that changed was, there was a card of number 11 now.
At the same time someone threw a wrapped paper at her

"Number 12 beside your ME's body how does that sound?"

"Take Suzie away from here Jack. Protect her. You are out of this case"Stella said
"What? No I am not leaving. I won't leave my duty just because some psychopath made a empty threat."
" Empty threat ? That same psychopath has killed 11 girls Suzie.I am not losing you too"
"Take her away from here. Lock her if you have too Jack. "

They were arguing when she got a call,
"Are you trying to protect your friend dear?You know it's not going to work no matter how much you try given your history"An unknown voice spoke on the phone.
" You bastard. Where are you hiding? Why are you doing this? Stop before I hunt you down and kill you."Stella told him
"Feisty little thing, aren't you? Just like your Mom I must say.Even she was.."
" How the hell do you know my mom? Did you..?"
" Ohh there are lots and lots of things I can tell you. Like how both of you have same brown eyes.It's high time we meet, don't you think so. Meet me or else next will be that pretty friend of yours...Suzie was it?"
" You jackass. Stay away from my friends."
She took a deep breath and said,
"Fine I will meet you"
" I have sent you the address on this number. Can't wait to see you dear" and the call got cut.

"Who was he? Was he the killer?What was he saying?" Jack asked
Everyone was worried looking at her
"It's nothing new guys. You know just spitting nonsense and making threats "Stella told them
"Suzie I know you won't back down so fine you can go on and start the autopsy "
Suzie smiled and hugged her.
" Don't be so happy. You are not supposed to stay alone. I will call your husband and ask him to be with you 24/7. I have already asked police protection for both of you. Alex, Ross you guys go ahead with the work I have given you. Jack you have to carry on the investigation further. You know what to do. You are an amazing officer and a great friend Jack. Suzie You are like a sister I never had and Ross, Alex you are dumbest geniuses I have ever met.
But above everything I am glad to have find you all. Stay safe you guys."
Jack: "What's wrong Stella?Why are you talking like this?
Alex : Yeah it sounds more of like a farewell speech
Ross: Shut up you idiot. Don't say like that. But seriously are you okay?
Suzie: Are you okay babe? You know you can tell me anything right. I know u are overwhelmed with everything going on but don't worry we will figure it out together.
Stella laughed : Stop it guys. I am completely fine. Can't just girl appreciate her friends?
Anyways I have to go for some work. Till then Suzie you have keys to my appartment. You will find everything I have gathered there over the years. That can help you with the case. I am getting late. Bye."
Everyone bid bye to her.
While driving the car,she knew she was going to a place from where she could never return back.She would never be able to see them again.She had already decided it.
She was going to end this once and for all.
She reached the location. It was on a bridge where she used to come with her dad.
" Well well... finally we meet. What a nostalgic place right" a voice came from behind
As she turned around, she saw a man in his 60s along with someone whom she suspected but it was hard when she confirmed it with her own eyes.
" Nathan. I had a doubt that you were involved but still had a hope that I would be proved wrong "
"How can he not be involved? It's son's duty to help his father, isn't it?" The old man spoke.
Stella took out a gun and pointed at him.
Nathan and his father were also pointing gun at her.
" Don't dear. Can't you see u will die too? " He said.
"I don't care if I die here if it means I can end your pathetic life. But before that I want to know why you did it?"
"Enough of this chit chat Zest. Why don't we just kill her and get it done with?" Nathan told his dad.
Nathan walked towards Stella.
She was standing near the bridge.
"Patience son.." and before Zest could complete his sentence or Stella could fire her gun in an instance Nathan shot at her, she fell down the bridge in the river.
" And that's the end " Nathan told his father.
His father patted on his son's back and said" You are just cold blooded like me"
And then both of them walked away.

After two days,
A girl opened her eyes and looked around.
She was in a beautiful room decorated with her favourite sunflowers.
She was confused.
She didn't know where she was. She got scared and was trying to get up from the bed
" Calm down love. You have to take it slow You are hurt"
As soon as she saw the person in front of her, she jumped from the bed and hugged him.
In return that man also hugged him like his world was dependent on her.
The embrace that seemed too tight freed them from the years of misery that had locked down their hearts.
" I missed you so much Oreo"
"I know Chubs. I was always watching over you just like I promised"
And then she laughed.
Not a fake smile which she specially learnt to show others but the real one.
This time her heart was laughing after a long time because it knew she was at the safest place she could ever be...With her Oreo.

So that's it for now.
But the question is how in the world they always manage to survive?
Well you will know that in the next chapter 😉
So until then STAY TUNED.

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