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Both the girls ran towards each other and hugged.
"Oh Girl. I can't believe you are here."
"For that you have to thank your soon to be husband there. He called me and arranged everything. Now I get it. Why you were single all this time.You had a hottie waiting for you."
"I know right. I mean I loved him all this time but I didn't know he has grown into such a hot mess. Plus point, right?"
"Excuse me...the man you are talking about is right here" Fabian interrupted them amusingly.
"I think we should just let them be. I have learnt this in last few years staying with them. You should also get used to it. They are a crazy package deal." Suzie's Husband sighed.
" True that Honey. Come on girl let's get you ready to walk down that aisle finally" she took Stella to her room.
Fabian was talking with someone on the phone
"Hey Man. You know you are missing both of your friends' wedding ,right?"
"I wish I could be there with you guys. But given the circumstances, I am pretty sure that your to be wife would not like to see my face at the moment. By the way have you told her the truth? About who you really are?"
"No. I will. After the wedding. For now let her be happy."
"I wish I could have been there to see her beat hell out of you once she knows the truth and the risk you are in. Anyways I am happy for you guys."
Fabian smiled" Thank you Man. For everything. And yeah one more thing if anything happens make sure to do what I have told you."

After ending the call, he was waiting at the altar for his life and as soon as he saw the woman walking towards him, he felt like he was the most blessed person out there.
She was wearing a beautiful white gown with a floral tiara on her head.
Everything about her was just screaming beautiful.
But for Fabian what was most beautiful was the way that she smiled at him.
Not the little simple smile but a full fledged one.
And in that moment he can see the flashbacks of little girl standing there smiling at him with toothy smile.
He definitely had come a long way from adoring a little girl in white frock to loving a lady in white dress.
"Little things" was playing in the background.
And how perfectly those lyrics fit in the situation at that moment.
"And it all makes sense to me".
Wasn't it true? Because in that moment, everything seemed to be in place.
When she reached at the altar, both of them held hands and were looking at each other like their whole life it was about both of them being missing pieces which were waiting to complete each other's life puzzle.
Stella whispered,"How about we just skip all this ceremony and jump to honeymoon part?" Listening to this his eyes widened.
"What? You can't blame me after coming in front of me looking all dashing."

Okay...two can play a game..he thought.

"Trust me I want to do that too. So let's just get over with ceremony fast. Then we can keep celebrating honeymoon part our whole life."he whispered back.
Stella was staring surprisingly at him,"I .You...."
Fabian laughed" What? Seriously?I didn't know I can make you stammer. "
"Guys I know you can't wait to jump on each other. But please spare my baby's innocent ears. Father let's start with the wedding.We definitely don't want to witness the adult stuff here." Suzie yelled from the crowd.
"Please... You are not at all innocent."Stella replied.
And the wedding began.
It was time for their vows.

Stella: All our lives, both of us had been through action thriller kind of life. I don't want any more fantasizing thing. Let's just have a domestic love story. Let's do all the  laundry, cooking,dishes, taxes,raising our kids together.

She stopped in between and took a deep breath. Her voice was cracking. Fabian pressed her hand gently.

She continued," Thank you for being the reason for my smile whenever life gave me tears.I love you Fabian.My oreo. I love you more than all the words that define love in the dictionary."

Fabian: MY WIFE.
I don't think I will ever be tired saying these two words again and again.
Looking back at everything that happened in the past, I was never afraid of or interested in future.
But today when I saw you walking towards me ,I realised how scared I can be even at the idea of losing that future with you.

He was crying and laughing at the same time.

So yeah...let's bask in the sun together when we are old and wrinkly sitting in the chair in our backyard. Let's watch all the stars together. I love you so much Stella. My Chubs. The one whose smile lits up my life and makes everything more brighter. Thank you for being my family. I love you!

And all the people standing there had tears in their eyes including the two standing on the altar.
Pastor asked for rings.
Everyone was surprised when they saw what he had bought for them in place of rings.
It was a pair of platinum round bracelets.
" Since our history holds lots of importance regarding bracelets. I thought why don't we start our future with it."Fabian told her.
Stella was just looking at him thinking how did she end up so lucky to have such kind of love in her life.
With all the kisses and dance, fun with friends they had a beautiful wedding.
At night,she was standing in the balcony looking at the moon.
He came from behind and hugged her," What is my beautiful wife thinking?"
She turned towards him and kissed him.
"What was that for suddenly? Not complaining though"
"Well I was just thanking my husband for being in my life."
"You know I am all in for this way of thanking."
"Now we are talking."
And that's how they spent the next three months of their life.
Laughing, Singing loudly while going on drives at night, dancing on the old classics on radio, clicking silly photos and framing them on the walls of their house...
It wasn't less than any fairy tale.

And the day when Fabian had to tell the truth to Stella came finally,when he got call from someone that it was time when they need to take action.
"Love we need to talk. It's time that you get all your answers."
"Are you sure? You can take your time."
"No Stella. You need to know. Because I have set the bait and it's time we catch the fish that we wanted to all our life."
"But let's call two people who are very crucial for this mission and have been helping me since last few years.You already know them"
"My one guess is Nathan but other I don't know."
"What? But how did you know about Nathan?"
"I had my doubts."
" I told you she is smart. She will figure out sooner or later. You never disappoint Detective Stella.But I would like to know how? "Nathan spoke from behind coming towards them.
"Well ofcourse she is amazing. She takes after her dad and her Mentor when it comes to solving cases"A voice came from behind.
" Amara Ma'am?"Stella was shocked
She couldn't believe what the head of her station was doing there.
"Love,she is the other person who helped me "
"But how do you know her?"
"She is not only your chief detective but also my mother's sister and your mother's friend."Fabian told her.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Amara went ahead and hugged her.
"I wanted to. As soon as I came back to Greece but your husband there he didn't want to involve you in the whole plan because he was scared that something would happen to you. Anyways better late than never, right? Besides I got to see you work everyday for last few years and all I can say is that sweetheart...your mother and father would have been so proud of the person you have grown into."Amara caressed her face.

That's it for now.
Well don't worry next part will clear all the confusion of how all of them ended up together.
Stay tuned for the next part. 🤍🌻

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