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"You knew my mother?" Stella asked Amara.
"Knew? We were best friends. Your Mom, Fabian's Mom and Me. We thought we were inseparable. But life had different plans for us I think. Both of yours ' mother always looked after me. I am sorry I wasn't there for you. I thought that I lost both of you in that horrible incident. I was heartbroken. So I just left everything and went to States. But I came back five years ago when I met Fabian in States as a criminal psychology conference. I.."
"Wait.." Stella interrupted. She turned towards Fabian and asked," What were you doing in that conference?"
"Well babe I might have missed a little detail that I am a simple criminal psychologist. And I went there as a guest lecturer."
"What?" Stella forgot the count of how many whats she has been saying since she met him.
"Simple? Don't be so modest kiddo. Stella he is one of the best criminal psychologist out there. He was part of the investigative team in crime branches there in so many big cases and also helped here in Greece after coming back. Since last eight years he has been a huge asset for us detectives" Amara explained.
"So you mean to say that whole Mafia thing was.."
"Huge cover up. Yes. So that his real identity doesn't get revealed and we can identify the criminal." Amara told her.
" But how did you come up to the conclusion that it was a planned incident not accident?" Stella asked them.
" Because I was the witness to everything that happened that night. I can't forget how that bastard killed my parents and your mom. Your mom died while saving me."
He stopped in between when he looked at Stella and found her crying.
"I am sorry Stella "
" Don't be. That bastard will be sorry when I will shoot a bullet straight into his head"
"I can get your anger Stella. But we have to move very sharply. They have done more heinous crimes than you know." Amara told her.
"Okay I get that you guys planned together but how did Nathan fit into this whole scenario?"
" I think your question should be why the hell I am here when I was the one who shot you. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you being biologically related to notorious serial killer and all?" Nathan asked her.
"Truth to be told I suspected you initially but when you shot at me everything got cleared and I knew that you were not on the opposite side."
Everyone was looking at her with a surprised face.
"So you mean to say you believe me because I shot you?"
"Well you had best shooting score in your academy. I don't think you would have missed the target at such a close range and shot at my shoulder rather than my heart." Stella smirked at him.
"I can't believe this. I just can't. How in the world both of you think in the same way?" Amara asked Stella and Fabian.
Stella was confused.
" Fabian knew that you would figure out the whole shooting plan." Nathan told her.
"Well what can I say we are 50-50 in everything? Right love?" Fabian looked lovingly at her.
" But I still don't understand why you decided to support us rather than being with your father?" Stella asked him.
Hearing this, Nathan's face was red with anger.
" Don't call him my father. I am just biologically related. He was dead to me the moment he killed my mother in a same way like your parents. That scum thinks I don't know about it. But I have watched everything. "
By this time he was shaking.
Stella went ahead and put a hand on his shoulder," You can stop if you are not feeling like it."
" No You need to know why all of us ended up connecting each other here. Initially I didn't know. But then I faked this whole drama of being his faithful son so that I can know his past. That poor excuse of human being took 10 innocent lives."
"10? As far as I know it's 11."
" No the last one was copycat crime. The one who killed the last victim is the other criminal who is head of whole smuggling business and is a huge gang of criminals who has done uncountable crimes and illegal activities. Infact it was during this mission when I came to know Nathan who was also investigating same case." Fabian explained
" That scum has support of that other scum named Kol. That's why he is so Arrogant and believes that no one can stop him." Nathan told her.
"Okay I got everything till here. But why did that man went on the killing spree?"
" He went to the same college as all of us Fabian's Mom and dad were childhood sweethearts whereas your mom and dad met in college. And that's where we became friends. Stella your mom was way too popular beauty in our college. Not only that but she was kindest soul anyone has known. Your parents fell in love with each other but there was one more person who fell in love with your mom and that was.."
"Nathan 's dad" Stella completed her sentence.
" His name is Zest. Don't call that bastard as my dad"
" Okay fine sorry. Zest. But if he loved my mother then why did he kill her and those other innocent lives?"
" He was an intelligent student but he never had any friends. He used to stay aloof. As I said your mother was very kind person,only she used to help him.But Zest took that help as love and day by day his love started turning into obsession. Your parents and Fabian's parents started getting the hints. On our graduation,your dad proposed your mom and she said yes. That was the breakpoint for Zest. He couldn't handle it. He started believing that your mom betrayed him.Once he tried to attack your mom luckily your dad saved her but after that all of us moved from there and came to this city. We thought we were far away from all of this but how wrong we were. That craziness consumed him. So he started killing women not randomly but who were of same age as your mother at that moment and who were also colleagues of your mom or knew her somehow.Initially your dad thought he is another serial killer. By the time you were born, he had already committed 5 murders and he also came to know about you. He even tried to kill you once but thanks to Fabian's dad who saved you at that moment. Your dad had his doubts . We talked and figured out that he was the one who did all those murders. But everytime he was one step ahead whenever we tried to catch him. When you were six, the number had already reached ten. You dad finally had set trap for him to catch him. I and Fabian's dad were with your dad in that mission. There was a huge fight that day. Your dad died trying to save Fabian's father's life. Your father also shot him and he fell in river. We thought we got rid of him.After that all of us moved away to countryside where you met Fabian. We started new. Then I went to States but I was in touch with you guys. You all were so happy away from everything. But that happiness was for few years only.
I came to know he was alive when I was going through another case. Before I could inform you guys, he found you and killed.."
Amara broke down at the end of the sentence.
Stella was just standing rigidly there. Her eyes were as if she was staring into oblivion.
Fabian moved near her and took her in his arms tightly patting her head.
"Hey..shh!! I am right here. I am here baby. I've got you."
Nathan was looking at the scene and was beyond angry with that man for destroying so many lives.
"I am sorry guys. Because of my..."
Fabian stopped Nathan," You are not to be blamed for what he did. You are not your father."
Stella looked at him and gave him a weak smile.
"I promise you guys that piece of garbage will pay for everything that he did to your families and my mom. He killed my mom because she came to know about his plan of hurting your families. So he also..."Nathan couldn't complete the sentence.
Everyone was just sitting quietly in the living room.
No one spoke a word.
All of them were just processing the grief and anger they were feeling.
After a while ,Stella spoke suddenly, " Then how did you escape from him?"
" About that.... Well I was not captured in the first place" Fabian told her with little bit of fear in his voice.
Stella looked towards them with a look which can kill them
" What? Don't look at me like that. It was all your husband's plan. I told him that you would blast us if you come to know." Nathan backed down a bit raising his hands while speaking to her .
" Love I was just trying to make things believable" Fabian tried to explain her
But well, she was in no mood listening to him.
" WAIT. IT WAS ALL JUST A PLAN. FABIAN CHRIS. HOW COULD YOU?" she shouted moving towards him.
" Love.."
" Stay away. Infact you know what, you should just stay in the other room from now."
" Baby..."
"Don't baby me. I was crying rivers there thinking I lost you."
" Come on Stella, even you have to accept it was a good plan"
"Oops. Wrong move" Amara whispered to Nathan.
"Let's bring popcorns. This is so much fun."
Both of them were amusing laughing and adoring the two goofballs who were running in the living room like kids.
After some time , Amara's phone rang.
" Guys it's time. We got the location of that gang leader Kol and Zest. They are 30 kms away from here at the roadside bar that belongs to Kol . We have already captured the other gang members and released the hostages.
Now there are 2 more girls in the basement of that bar. He will try to complete his killing spree." Amara told them
Stella: " We have to save those girls."
Nathan: "That bastard thinks he won. He won't know what hit him."
Fabian: "Stella you are staying here"
"You are kidding me ,right?"
"No. I am serious. I can't afford to lose you."
" Do you think me as a weak woman who can't fight? I am a detective too."
" I am not doubting your strength Stella. But he is a psychopath who doesn't hesitate or goes to any limits while taking someone's life. I am just protecting you."
"Protection? I don't need protection Fabian. I need to do this."
"Trust me I'll handle it love"
" Trust you? How am I supposed to when all you have been doing is lie to me?"
After Stella blurt out this in anger, she knew she was wrong in saying this. She knew that no one could love her like he did. He was just being worried. But damage was already done.
"How am l...? Because of everything that we share. Because every morning I woke up in those years away from you, I woke up with a hope that maybe you were alive. Maybe I would see your face.That smile I have adored for two decades. Because for me you are the most remarkable woman I have ever met."
Stella went towards him and hugged him crying in a muffled voice
"I am sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean that. I was just angry with everything and it just went in a wrong way. I am so sorry baby."
Then she looked up with tearstriken face at him, "How about I cancel that punishment of sleeping you in other room? Will you forgive me then?"
Fabian started laughing after listening this and hugged her back
He whispered," Yupp. I am completely and indefinitely whipped by my wife"
"Fine. We will go together. But you won't take any step by yourself.Promise?"
"Promise. Let's go"
And all of them sat in a car and started moving towards the destination they were waiting to reach for years, which will change their lives.
In which direction that change will be, no one knew.
They were on the way when suddenly Stella screamed,
"Fabian, I need to tell you something."
"Hmm..What is it?"
" Well I wanted to tell you with all surprise thingy but you know I suck at it. Besides I am a pretty straightforward person who likes to say things directly and..."
Fabian stopped in her middle saying," For someone who likes to say things directly,you sure are beating around the bush."
"Just leave it. I won't tell you"
"Why are you being so cranky today?"
" It's only been three months and you already find me cranky."
"Seriously guys! It's really not appropriate time for married bickering."Nathan joked.
"SHUT UP!" Both of them told him
"I really love you Fabian. I don't like to fight with you. Don't leave me okay"She hugged him.
"Are you sure you are okay? You are acting weird."
She just hugged him again and said," I am jealous. Promise me you won't love anyone more than me."
"You are my love. You know you are the only one."

That's it for now.
What might be the reason for this sudden changes in her behaviour?
For knowing more ,stay tuned for the next part🌻🤍

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