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"What's taking them so long? Liam asked.

"Maybe they finally let their lips do more than insult each other." Niall grinned and then he remembered that Lottie was there. "Ehm, I mean... Like....eh..."

"I know that my brother is gay, Niall. He's out, remember? Now, Harry on the other hand I didn't know about. Interesting. Is that why they're always insulting each other? Boys. You're so immature." Lottie said and sighed.

"Hey! Don't drag us into this." Niall protested punching her arm lightly.

"You just proved my point, Niall. Come on! Louis is probably just trying to get out of cleaning chores." Lottie said.

They all walked upstairs. Lottie looked up at the ladder to the attics.
"Louis? Come on! You must have found that ball by now."

They didn't get an answer. Lottie let out a frustrated sound and started to climb the ladder.
"I swear to God Louis, if I find the two of you making out right now I'll hurt you. We're supposed to be cleaning before mum gets home!"

Harry and Louis had managed to lift the penny and were ready to roll it when they heard Lottie's comment. Louis turned bright red and refused to look at Harry.
"She has clearly gone completely bonkers."

"I have a sister. I know how it is." Harry replied.

Louis glanced at him. Harry's cheeks were blushed as well. They waited until Lottie stepped into the room.
"Now!" Louis shouted.

With joined forces they rolled the coin in Lottie's direction but she just took a step forward and they missed her.
"Damn it!" Louis yelled.

"Ouch! Who threw a penny in my head?" Niall said as he popped up in the hole in the floor.

Harry and Louis jumped up and down and waved their arms frantically while they shouted as loud as they possibly could. Niall didn't see them. Neither did Zayn or Liam as they came up the stairs as well. Louis had to throw himself to the side so he wouldn't get squashed underneath their shoes.
"They're not here!" Lottie complained.

Their footsteps felt like an earthquake and their voices almost busted Harry's and Louis' eardrums.
"Hey, is that thing on?" Liam asked.

Louis shouted out a warning but Harry was the only one that heard him. Before they knew it, Lottie, Liam, Zayn, and Niall had all shrunk to their size. The baseball fell off the machine and it turned off. Harry ran up to his friends and Louis checked on his sister.
"It works?" Lottie screeched.

"Apparently." Louis shrugged.

"What happened to the room?" Zayn questioned.

"Nothing. You're the one who's tiny." Louis replied.

"Look who's talking." Zayn snorted, looking offended.

"No, you actually shrunk. Lottie!" Louis whined.

"My dad invented a machine that can shrink things. Tada!" Lottie said and threw her arms out.

Niall looked around the room.

"How do we get back to normal size?" Liam panicked.

"There's a switch." Louis said.

Liam stared across the room.
"How the hell do we get up there? It's fucking Mount Everest!"

"Mum will find us and she'll call dad." Lottie said.

"Well, the four of you didn't see us. We rolled a penny!" Harry said.

"Thanks for that. It hit me in the head." Niall snorted.

"Guys! We need a plan!" Zayn interrupted their bickering.

Louis looked around the room.
"Let's make an arrow. Come on! Gather things you can carry or roll or whatever."

They ran around trying to find something but everything was so big. Harry spotted a paperclip in a corner and ran over and picked it up. It was gigantic. Liam and Zayn pushed the baseball to the middle of the room. Lottie had found a burned-out match.

They ran around like crazy for an hour but when they heard Louis' and Lottie's mum Jay come home their arrow was still small. They had it pointing slightly to the side so they wouldn't risk getting under someone's feet. They had placed it at eyesight from the entrance to the strict after some discussion. Their biggest chance that someone would see it was when they came up the ladder. They placed themselves where the arrow pointed and then they just had to wait.

The machine had shrunk a couch before them so they had carried it to the spot and sat on it. Jay would hopefully notice a whole sofa missing.

They could hear her calling for Louis and Lottie and waited nervously. Finally, she was upstairs by the ladder.
"Are you up there?" She shouted and they held their hand over their ears.

When she came up the ladder they all stood and jumped up and down on the couch screaming as loud as they could. Louis grabbed Lottirs arm and held his breath when their mum leaned down. She picked up the baseball and walked past their arrow.

She looked at the broken window before she left and they all sunk to their feet.
"Now what?" Liam questioned.

"She's coming back! Come on! Jump and wave!" Harry said and stood up.

They walked closer to the arrow they made and tried their best but Jay walked past them. She had a hand broom and a dustpan in her hand and walked over to the broken glass and brushed it up. She put the broken glass in a bag and was on her way out of the room when she stopped in front of their arrow. They waved and screamed again and she leaned down.
"She sees us!" Lottie yelled excitedly.

Louis' eyes grew wide when he realized what she was about to do.
"No! Run!"

They didn't get far before the broom knocked them off their feet. They all screamed in panic as Louis' mum brushes the floor, removing their arrow and them with it. They landed on the dustpan and held on for dear life as Jay got up and climbed down the stairs. They had to hold on to the edge of the dustpan so they wouldn't fall to their death. Somehow they all made it and she took them downstairs. They screamed her name but she couldn't hear them.
"Oh fuck!" Louis yelled when Jay opened a full trash bag.

She tipped the dustpan and they all fell into the trash bag. Next, they experienced a bumpy journey as she carried the bag out to the bin.

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