Chapter 9

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'Professor Velott!'

Andra held her breath unconsciously at the familiar voice. They could no longer hide their presence here. There was a high probability that the sensitive Professor Velott would notice. Andra hurriedly grabbed Dustin as he was about to move, her eyes urging him to stay still. Outside, a conversation between the professor and the teaching assistant continued.

"Professor, weren't you inside? I thought you were because the door was locked... When did you lock the door again?"

"Lock the door? I never left the door locked, did I?"

"But the door is locked?"

"I never left the door locked? ...What, is it really locked? Ren, get me some spare keys."

After a while, one set of footsteps moved away, and there was the sound of a drawer opening. The sound of looking for something. At the same time, a red light flashed up in Andra's head. Dustin also thought that this was dangerous, so he started walking towards the window holding Andra. Dustin carefully opened the half-open window fully. The wind blew into the room.

"What are you going to do?"

Andra whispered to Dustin, who suddenly opened the window. But Dustin only looked down.

"Are you going to jump?"

Andra's expression hardened at a distant height. Soon she began to struggle to let herself go. You bastard, this is the 7th floor! No matter how much of an Awakened you are, falling from here would be fatal! But Dustin didn't mind Andra, and held her tight and put his feet on the window sill.

"Hold on tight."

"If you're going to die, die alone! Why won't you let go of me?"


"I won't jump. I'll walk on the wall."

"Then you're thinking of pushing me down!"

Dustin's eyebrows narrowed at those words. What do you see me as? He was taken aback by Andra's attitude. When she fell into the dungeon, it was obvious that Andra had already forgotten who rescued her from the river.

If Andra thought that Dustin Airak was a cowardly and naive bastard as she thought, he should have let Andra sink to the river before.

"Why are you making me into such trash?"

"You are trash, you."

In response to Andra's reply without hesitation, Dustin pointed to the door with the tip of his chin.

"Then what are you going to do? Is there any better way?"

Andra looked at the door. Assistant Ren's voice was coming closer to the door as if he had found the spare key. She had to choose. Would she trust Dustin and leave her body to him? Or would she distrust him and stay here and get caught by Professor Velott?

She was sure, at least, that choosing the latter would ruin her life. Andra had no choice but to hold Dustin's neck tightly.

"It's hard to put up with your pride every time."

"It's hard to trust the guy who's in heat for me."


"...Let's not talk."

Dustin moved out of the window using the window sill as a foot support. In an instant, a stronger wind blew over the two of them. Andra glanced down for a moment, then closed her eyes to the dizzying height. The spacious grounds of the academy may be good for a quick view, but it was quite terrible to risk her life and look down.

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