Chapter 17

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"Besides, all of your thesis materials should be taken from the Aslan ruins. You can't write a thesis on that topic anymore? You don't have any data, so how will you use the same topic? The second and third chapters are also related to that topic, so how would you do it properly if it's not right from the first? You won't be able to graduate. It'll be a complete waste of time. Then you will end up falling behind Lord Airak."

Then what did the professor want her to do? Dissatisfaction swelled deep in Andra's heart. She was already set on changing her thesis topic, but now she couldn't. After all, wouldn't she be unable to write a thesis on that topic at this rate?

What should she do? When the complaints that she couldn't put out of her mouth piled up one by one, Professor Velott came up with an unexpected solution.

"Enter the dungeon. Go into the dungeon and use the materials you can get there to write your graduation thesis."


"This dungeon has ancient origins, so several archaeologists have entered, so you are not the first to discover it. To be precise, it was a straggler who got caught up in the creation of the dungeon. Anyway, haven't you already entered the dungeon once? This is a great opportunity, Andra. And it's an opportunity for our academy. Should you just miss out on that great opportunity?"

Professor Velott began to explain why Andra had to enter the dungeon with a passionate attitude.

"Look at this floor. Aren't they all stagnant? I've already made as much as I want, so I don't have any more material to use. I am only digging the ground day and night. To be honest, all of the papers and research that I publish every year are the same. You do the same thing you did in the past, just change the title, don't you? What we need is new material. And the ancient dungeon came out just in time. This is your chance, right?"

"But, Professor... How do I make a dungeon the topic of my..."

"That's why I, myself, stepped in for my disciple, didn't I? You and Lord Airak are going to enter the dungeon team, but I and some professors and undergraduates will also go to the Aslan Ruins. Andra, you just need to join my research team. So, what will be your graduation thesis? This will stamp your name in the academe."

Andra's eyes began to swell at the words of her name in the academe. She was just graduating, but can she get her name up in the academic world? Besides, it's a graduation thesis written under the supervision of a professor. Even with her eyes closed, it was an instant pass. But there was one thing that struck her the most.

Dustin Airak.


'Why is it Dustin Airak? What's happening on my wrist is making things complicated already!'

When Andra showed a hint of hesitation, Professor Velott couldn't stand it and slammed the desk.

"Wake up! What are you thinking and worrying about? Of course you should go! Others are arguing that they should go now, but why are you the only one worrying? Aren't you partnered with Lord Airak anyway? Just think of your partnering time being extended. Didn't you both have a good trip to Aslan Ruins?"

"Did you forget that the two of us were left behind in the dungeon?"

Most of all, she was also afflicted with a strange and bizarre magic! Andra managed to resist the desire to get up from her seat and shout. How would she say it? After falling out of the dungeon, she got into here and had sex with Dustin, and they continued to sleep with each other.

In the aftermath, she had sex right where the professor was sitting now...

'I won't tell you even if I die. This is a secret I must carry with me to the grave.'

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