chapter 4:the good news

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"i found a hospital..they have a treatment, it will make you able to move again."

"Mom thats great!!!"

"Theres two catches, will be able to move and breath on your own but your legs will still me paralyzed."

"Its better then nothing!" I said overjoyed. "But wait, whats the second catch?"

"They've never done the procedure on anyone before. They dont know if its 100% safe or not.."

"What could happen to me if something goes wrong?"

"You could stay paralyzed..and if they mess up bad you could have to lose a leg. And the worse thing that could happen, is you could die. they have to do a lot of work around your lungs and if they screw up could die. and it costs a fortune, but we have the money."


we both

sat in science for a while.

"This is not just your decision, dad and I have a say in this too."

"I know."

"Well, think about it." she said as she got up and left me with my steak burrito bowl from chipotle.




After a week of struggles at school and trying to get around the house..I was ready to admit it.


"Yes Hun?"

"I think I wanna do it. I know it's a huge risk but I think I wanna take it."

"Are you sure..?"

With a slight pause I finally said


"Okay, well ill go make the appointment."

I sat on my couch while watching Pretty Little Liars.

I heard my mom talking to the doctor on the phone.

"She wants to."

"Yes sir. I know it's a risk."

"Yes, she she knows too."

"Tomorrow? That soon? Are you sure it's the only time?"

"Okay, we'll be there at 9. Uh huh. Thank you."

My mom said as she hung up the phone. She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch right next to me.

"You can back out when ever you want, you know that right?"

"Yea, I know."

"Okay. I just want you to know I love you." She said kissing my head.



"Could you text Joey and ask him to come over?"

"Of course!" She said taking my phone.

There were 10 minutes of pretty little liars left when the door bell rang.

Spencer was in the woods just as she saw Toby dead.

Joey walked into the room and sat next to me. My mom walked up stairs to do her work out in her room.

"Did you really have to come at the good part?" I asked laughing.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to leave?"

"Haha, no! I was just kidding."

"Look, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" He said looking at me with his gorgeous smile.

My eyes instantly fill with tears. I try to hold back but my voice started to crack.

"Tomorrow, I'm getting a treatment."

"Okay, what's so bad about that?" He said trying to comfort me

"Well.. I will be fixed. Everything but my legs. But if something goes wrong..I could die."

Joey even looked like he was about to cry...

In the blink of an eye, he leans in to kiss me. It was quick and soft. Just little, but it meant a lot.

"You'll be okay. I know you will."

"I can only hope for the best." I said as joeys phone rang.

"Hello? Mom? Yes. I'm on my way home."

"I'm sorry babe but I have to go. Ill come to the hospital after school to see you tomorrow."

"Okay bye."

He gave me a gentle hug and walked out the door.

"Mom! Can you take me up stairs?

"Yep! Ill be right down,"


I wake up to my mom shaking me..

"Time to go Hun."

She helped me get dress and we got in the car. The hospital was 2 house away so it took a while to drive.

Once we got there we waited in the waiting room for 30 minutes until a nurse came out a wheeled

me into the room. Once I was in there I was lifted on the bed. Then they gave me some Medicine

that out me to sleep right away.

And then the worst that could happen. Everything went wrong. They screwed everything

up and

all I saw was black. ..I was dead. No, no! This couldn't have happened.


BEP BEP BEP. my alarm clock went off as I woke up crying.

"Hunny! What happened..?"

" I had a dream...that I didn't make it." I said sobbing into her chest.

"Shh, it's just the nerves getting to you. You'll be okay."

Before I knew it i was on the operating bed.. They gave me the medicine and I was knocked out.


(How do you guys like it so far {: keep reading to see if Brooke makes it threw..)


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