Chapter 3: School..

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Joey wheeled me into my house after the longest day of my life..

It went a little like this..


My alarm clock rang at 6:00 and my mom came running into my room and turned it off.I picked

out an outfit and

my mom got it out of my closet. She had to help me shower and get dressed. She also had to help

me put on my make up and she had to feed me. I ate cereal and a frozen gogurt.

It made me feel like I was in kindergarten again. She has to do everything for me.

After I ate, or I should say..after I was feed she helped me into the car and drove me to school. As

she was helping me out of the car I got a couple stares and people looked sorry for me. I was


"Good luck at school today. If you need anything go to the office and they can call me."

"Thanks mom. I love you."

"Love you too sweetie." She said driving off.

Joey popped up behind me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

He wheeled me to my locker and opened my back and everything fell out everywhere. All of my books and binders.

"Oh my gosh, Brooke I'm so sorry! I'll pick them up he said as he rushed to get everything.

"It's fine! Thank you for helping me!"

"You know I'd do anything for you." He said as he grabbed my first block binder and wheeled me to home room.

The teacher looked a little shocked but almost everyone had heard about what happened.

She looked at me a smile and tried to continue doing whatever she was doing.

Thankfully Joey and I shared the same home room. We only had one other class together which

was guitar last block, which I would probably have to switch out of because I can't hold anything.

First block was terrible because all the kids were crowding me In the hallway. I just Barely got to

class on time, which made Joey really late. I felt so bad because he was trying to help but he was

getting him self in trouble.

Lunch was okay. I had to sit on the end of the table because I couldn't sit on the bench.

I felt like I was in the way of everyone. The attention was nice, but there was a little too much

All day people were coming up to me and saying they're sorry for what happened and if I need anything they're there for me. It's sweet, I just wanted to be left alone

3rd block flew bye and then came Guitar.. Joey wheeled me in and my teacher..gave e that look.

The I'm sorry but this isn't gonna work look.

"Do you think you wanna try..?" He asked sounding apologetic

"I can use my hands.." I said tearing up

He looked at me speechless. I was too.

"Is It okay if I go in the hall way for a couple minutes?" I asked

"Yes, of course.."

Joey wheeled me into the hall way and that's when I just lost it.

I couldn't stop crying.

"Brooke! What's wrong?"

"I just can't handle this. It's too much."

"I know, we can do this together."

"Thank you for being here for me today."

"Anything for you" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Can you take me to the office? I want my mom to come and pick me up.

"Just stay there's only a little but of school left. I'll drive you home."

The rest of the day took a while but I got threw it. After getting Dropped off by Joey I went straight up stair to do my home work. My mom woke me up at 7 to eat my dinner that she had brought up to my room.

"Thanks mom."

"Your welcome. I have some good news."

"What is it..?"

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