Chapter 33 (Epilogue)

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I decided that I was going to make this a third person POV because I just felt more comfortable with it with the way this was going. Enjoy!


Six Months Later:

Levi remained silent as they arrived at the courthouse. He hadn't said anything all day, knowing what was to come as they walked into the large building. Hanji's heels echoed throughout the corridor as they searched for the correct courtroom and Levi knew it was the right one when he noticed the small group of teenagers waiting outside of the large wooden doors. 

"Armin!" Sasha ran up to the small boy, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. He stumbled back a couple feet, probably thankful that he was holding onto Erwin's hand otherwise he would have fallen over. She let him go, their other friends walking over to greet them. 

Armin smiled at them. "Where's Jean?"

"Bathroom," Marco and Connie answered together. Levi couldn't care less about the horse boy's whereabouts and walked over to the doors as they were by a security guard and walked inside, taking a seat that would fit most of them and everyone filed in, other people entering as well. Hanji sat next to him as they stood up, the judge entering the room. 

Soon enough, it started and Levi watched as the person being tried walked in, a cop walking behind her. Her eyes locked with Levi and a cheeky smile came to her face. Hanji made a disgusted sound. "She's looking at us,"

"Well rather Levi," Erwin corrected and Levi rolled his eyes. "Even when she's in court, Carissa can never take her eyes off Levi," Hanji snorted, quieting down as the case trial began. They were only here for one thing. And that was to watch Carissa be tried for first degree murder and manslaughter, along with her father who was to be tried at a different trial time. They had all the evidence to prove that she did it too. Which was the reason why Levi found this to be stupid. Everything that the police and the jury needed to prove that she had done it was at the stupid camp. It was in her secret little notebook that Levi had given to the police. 

The trial went by slowly, a painful slow and the entire time, Carissa would always look back to Levi and meet his eyes with the same cheeky smile before turning back to the judge and the prosecutor, pretending to pay attention. Levi was positive that Hanji had fallen asleep after about an hour, her head resting on his shoulder. He didn't mind and leaned his head against hers in an attempt to rest his tired next. And he was glad that he did simply because of the look he received from Carissa when she turned around once again. 

He closed his eyes for a few seconds, the droning voice of the prosecutor making his eyelids heavy. At least he swore it was a few seconds because he was being shook awake by Hanji. Cracking his neck, he moved away from her and she removed her head from his shoulder. "What happened?" He asked quietly, trying to stifle a yawn from escaping his mouth and he covered his mouth with a hand. Hanji shrugged, covering a yawn herself before nudging Erwin and asking him the same question. 

"I think-- oh here's the jury now," He pointed as the group of people entered. 

"Jesus, how long did I fall asleep for?" He hissed. 

Erwin leaned forward, looking at Levi around Hanji. "I think maybe like two hours? You didn't get much sleep last night anyways, and this is like the third day of this trial," He nodded and Erwin moved back, Hanji yawning once again. "Hopefully they've come to a conclusion," Hanji nodded in agreement. 

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, how do you find the defendant, Carissa Lang in murder of the first degree?"

A man stood up, holding a paper as he fixed the glasses on his nose. "We, the jury, find the defendant, Carissa Lang, to be guilty of the charge of first degree murder." It was hard for Hanji to contain her excitement as a sigh of relief left her mouth and she bounced up and down with a wide smile, the hand that was gripping Levi's gripping a little harder. "We, the jury, find the defendant, Carissa Lang, to be also guilty of the charge of manslaughter." Levi couldn't help the large, happy smile on his lips as the court was dismissed and Hanji stood up, bringing him into a big hug. 

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