Chapter 3 (✔)

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About two hours into the bus ride, the bus was filled with a nice silence besides the few people whispering. Mostly everyone had fallen asleep, including Mikasa against the window and I looked over to see that Armin had fallen asleep against the window he was sitting next to as well. I watched as the guy next to him carefully slipped an arm around Armin's shoulders and pulled him so that Armin had his head on his bus buddy's partner. He then made himself comfortable and rested his head on Armin's, closing his eyes.

I heard a giggle and I looked to the girl across the isle from me as she quietly snapped a photo of the two sleeping boys. "Could you send that to me?" I asked quietly, shifting my weight so I faced her and carefully leaned against Mikasa. She looked at me and her smile became wide.

"Yes!" She almost yelled. The two boys stirred in their sleep and she clamped a hand over her mouth. We exchanged numbers and she sent me the photo. "I'm Hanji by the way. And that's my friend Erwin."

"I'm Eren and that's Armin and this is Mikasa," I motioned to the girl behind be who was still sleeping. I extended a hand and she shook it enthusiastically.

"I've never seen you before Eren. You're new this year?"

I nodded "Yeah... Armin begged me to go with him until I finally agreed," She smiled in amusement and her eyes drifted to someone behind me and she stood up and plopped down in the seat behind me. I turned around and she hung an arm around the man who kicked me out of his supposed seat.

"This is my good ol' friend Levi Grumpy Pants," she said and he sent her an icy glare.

He sighed with annoyance. "What do you want shitty glasses?" He hissed, his voice low enough to not disturb any of the sleeping people sitting around us.

"Levi be nice. I wanted you to meet the new camper, Eren. And his friend is Armin," Levi's eyebrows moved up slightly at the name but then returned to it original bored state. "Maybe they'll be cabin partners," I heard Hanji say to Levi as she giggled. Levi sighed once again and pushed her away from him.

"And maybe you'll be cabin partners with Carissa," Levi muttered. She stopped laughing and scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"Oh hell no. I'd rather be stuck with you over her," Levi rolled his eyes, but made no move to remove her from his space though he looked like he wanted to.

"Who's Carissa?" I asked and they both looked at me.

"That's right you're new here... You'll find out soon enough. Very soon," And with that he gave Hanji one final shove off the seat and returned to staring out the window, after letting his eyes linger on mine for a second too long.


After we made it to a rest stop, everyone was awake and much more lively. It was quite an interesting thing to watch Armin wake up in the position that he did as he jumped, almost pushing Erwin off of the seat and hitting his head against the window.

Once we reached the camp, everyone cheered in excitement. I, on the other hand, groaned from exhaustion. But we were finally allowed off of the bus and I could finally stretch my limbs and breath in clean air. That bus was gross and muggy and I hope to never sit in it again though I knew that at the end of camp we would have to.

"Did you enjoy your little nap Armin?" I teased him once we had all grabbed our stuff and made our way to the registration place. Armin turned a red color and said nothing, which Mikasa and I took as a yes.

A man with a name tag that read 'Will' sat at the table full of papers and folders. "Armin! Long time no see my friend," He greeted my red faced friend. Armin smiled and greeted the man back, receiving three papers before he headed back to Mikasa and I. He handed Mikasa a paper and then one to me.

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