2. A New Home...Maybe?

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8 months later...


I was outside in a tree, specifically my favorite tree.

It was tall live oak tree with limbs sprawled all over the place. It had many placed to sit, lay, even sleep on. I would always go there in my free time.

(A/n ref below)

I loved listening to the birds chirp and sing, the sound of the wind in the leaves, it was all so calming

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I loved listening to the birds chirp and sing, the sound of the wind in the leaves, it was all so calming.

I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't want to leave, it was to calming.

I finally climbed out of the tree, but very slowly. I went to the lady who was calling me, it was l/n (a/n l/n = lady name, I couldn't think of a name so just make one up I guess) she was a pretty nice woman, she was the head of the orphanage and wasn't to strict. She would let kids stay up even when it was past their bed time, only if the stayed in their beds.

I would usually stay up all the time, after what happened with may parents, I had many nightmares about the crash.

I snapped back into reality and asked her if she needed something.

"Oh, y/n there you are. I have some very good news to tell you!" She exclaimed.

"Ok.. what is it?" I asked.

"Your going to be fostered!" She said a big smile on her face.

I was frozen. Me? Fostered? Why now?

"W-when?" I asked, still processing what she just said.

"Tomorrow morning, so you should get your belongings packed up." She said letting me inside.

I nodded and walked to where my bed was. I had a mini bonsai tree that I watered every other day, some clothes, shoes, sock, etc.

I packed them all in my backpack except my little tree, which I named Jerry. (A/n you can change the name if you want to, this is also what Jerry looks like)

 (A/n you can change the name if you want to, this is also what Jerry looks like)

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(A/n I really like smoll things, example: jerry.)

I had all my things in my bag and placed under my bed, I had a few clothes out for tomorrow, so I should be good.

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