1. The Crash

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Alr so sorry if this is kinda not very descriptive I've never been in a car crash (thankfully) and don't want to be in one. So sorry if you have and this is so very wrong. I may rewrite it later.... Who knows cuz I don't!



we were driving home.

I was looking out the window.

The radio was on playing a song I didn't know.

We were passing a light then I felt the car shake violently, another huge shake but on my side.

Some glass from the window cut my face and arms.

Then everything went still.

So very still.

It was like there was no happiness in the world anymore.

All I could hear was my heavy breathing.

I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed over to where my parents were.

They were covered in blood. I checked both of their pulses. It was there, but very weak.

I took out my mom's phone and dialed 911.

It was about 3 minutes til they were here.

I got out of the car quickly and waved my arms around get the some of the officers attention.

"Are you okay?" One of them asked with kind words and a soft face.

I was only 13 after all.

"I'm o-okay, b-but my parents they a-are all banged up" I said my voice shaking.

The ambulance came right after I said that and pulled out a stretcher. (A/n I think that's what it's called right?)

The people carefully took my parents out of the car, and gently laid their limp bodies on the stretcher.

"You can come too dear. Only if you want." A lady asked.

"I'll come" I said walking into the back of the ambulance where my parents were.

I looked at the people who crashed into us and one of them mouthed something to me 'I'm so sorry'

I just looked at them, tears on the verge of coming out.

But I didn't let them, I had to stay strong, for my parents.

Yet one tear escaped.

Just one.

Time skip

I climbed out of the ambulance.

My face hurt. There may have been a couple pieces of glass in my body.

The people quickly got the stretcher out of the ambulance and haled my parents away. Me following behind.

When we got to the room a lady asked if she could treat my wounds so I don't get an infection.

I nodded and looked at the ground, then to my arm, counting the slices on my arms.

(Insert # of cuts)

I heard footsteps coming this way but I'd didn't look up.

"I'm back I can treat your wounds now." The person said

I nodded and lifted my arm for her to treat.

"Oh my! That's a lot." She said

"Yeah.." I said still looking down

Time skip

Once the lady was done treating my wounds she left me with my parents, they were hurt pretty bad.

I heard a groan, I whipped my head to my parents

"Mom? Dad?" I said.

"Honey... remember that we...love you very much..." mom said I was holding her hand until I heard another groan.


"Y/n... I love you so much, tell your sister that we love her too..." he said cupping my cheek.

"No, you can't leave!" I said holding back tears.

"We love you y/n" both of them said in sink.

Their skin felt ice cold and the moderators started a long beeping noise.

"No!" I cried as I buried my face in my hands.

I heard rushed footsteps but I didn't look up, I just kept crying.

"They're dead!" One of the doctors yelled.

"It's okay sweetheart we'll get you to a orphanage and see if someone want to adopt you. Or do you have any family members that can take you?" A lady asked.

"I-I have a sister b-but she sniff is in collage" I stuttered wiping tears away.

"Come on honey" she said rubbing my back.

We walked outside to a car and we drove first to my home to get my belongings then to the nearest orphanage.

After we were at the orphanage the lady did the paperwork and stuff and said goodbye, and she would have their funeral at the orphanage so I could come.

I miss my parents...

729 words
Well first chapter I didn't really know what to write next well y/n is at the orphanage and stuff. So next chapter may have bryson, who knows. Please vote, only if you want to ofc, and yeah. Take care y'all.

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