4. Can we Adopt her, Please?

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so ik i said i was going to take a break but i want to get a chapter out since someone asked me to write more soooo, here it it and i was thinking that my other book two wings would be on hold so i can get more chapters on this book. what would you guys think of that? oh and i might be even slower to update cuz i have some family problems with my time on the electronics so ill try and get some in if i can. ok enough of me on with the story!

edited (freaking just found some typos that i missed)

bryson POV

we were driving home when i got a text from mom

(bryson in bold
his mom in italics)

-in text-

mom: hey bryson, me and dad are going to head out to get something to eat with brenner. could you take y/n t your place?

me: sure, and uh i may have gotten her a cat...

mom: well, then just keep the cat away from me then.

me: ok mom, love you

mom: love you too.

-out of text-

"hey uh y/n how would you feel if you lived with me?" i asked her nervous what her answer would be

"...i would like that" she said with a soft smile

"cool! do you wanna meet my pets? are you allergic to dogs?"

"no, why?"

a/n if you are just say that you aren't in this reality

"oh ok good, 'cause i have a dog"

she just hummed in response as we drove to my house

i turned on some music and wake me up by avicii came on.

y/n silently sang with the it and i hummed along.

<~^~^~> (time skippee p.s name him)

when we arrived home y/n quickly got out of the car and took deep breaths.

i carefully got the cat out and opened the door, letting y/n walk in first.

"so what are you gonna name him?" i said letting him out of his kennel.

he zoomed straight towards y/n and laid at her feet.

"awwwe" she said and picked him up, "i think ill name him felix"

"felix, i like that name" i repeated while petting felix.

"i'm gonna go text my parents real quick" i said before going to my bedroom to text them.


-in text-

me: mom, dad, can we please adopt y/n. she's such a good kid, pleaseeeeee

mom: i dont know honey, what do you think chris?

a/n i hv no idea what brysons parents are so lets just say his dads name is chris and his moms name is jenna. the names came from the top of my head

dad: well, i haven't really met her but if bryson really likes her and the rest of the family agrees then maybe

me: ok then can you guys text them i'm gonna show y/n around my house

mom: ok have fun sweetheart

-out of text-

i walked out of my room to see y/n playing with beau.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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