3. A Little Feild Trip

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hello i am back and not dead. i just got an idea for this chapter soooo i'm gonna write it. it may be short may not be. also lowercase letters are now being used for now on.

1 week later

bryson POV

i was just chilling in my bedroom at my parents house until i heard my name.

i started walking out of my room to see my parents discussing something.

"you needed something mom?" i asked

"oh yeah, can you take y/n somewhere, she hasn't done anything since she's been here" my mom told me

"yeah sure, let me just go tell her," i answered walking to y/n's room before turning around to face my mom. "where did you want me to take her?"

"i don't know anywhere" she responded

"alright, i'll figure out where to take her" i said walking off

i knocked on her door letting her know i was there.

"you can come in" i heard a muffled answer.

turning the knob on the door i walked in, seeing y/n sitting on her bed with a ipod in hand.

"so mom was wanting me to take you somewhere" i said standing in the door frame.

"oh, sure" she responded looking at me

i smiled softly at her, "well you should get something to eat first. you haven't had breakfast yet" i said.


y/n started walking towards me. once we were side-by-side i started walking with her to the kitchen.

"oh good morning y/n" mom said to y/n.

"morning" she responded

"where's brody?" i asked

"he went back to his house"

"mhm" i hummed in response

y/n POV

i walked over to the kitchen, bryson following not far behind.

"so what do you want to eat?" he asked

"just some eggs and toast would be nice" i answered him

"alright, it won't take long" he said grabbing the eggs and cracking them into a pan.

i was just looking around to find something i could fidget with when my eyes locked on a lighter.

i gently grabbed it and started moving it around in my hand.

bryson turned around and saw the lighter in my hand.

"oh no..." he mumbled, "do you... like fire?"

"...maybeeeee" i said slowly

he just stared at me not breaking eye contact until he handed me my breakfast.

"i'll be right back"

"ok.." i said putting some food in my mouth.

bryson POV

"mom?" i asked

"yeah bryson?"

"we have another pyromaniac"

mom just froze when i said that.

"keep her away from brody" she responded facing towards me, "or disaster will be upon us"


"i'll do my best" i said turning my head to face y/n.

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