chap 3

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Beomgyu had been carrying the secret for weeks, and it was weighing on him more and more with each passing day. Yes, he did promise telling this weird dream he had to yeonjun 2 weeks ago but he was afraid. he was afraid of how yeonjun react.

As they walked to class together, Beomgyu tried to muster up the courage to tell Yeonjun what was on his mind. He kept opening his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. He was too nervous, too scared of what might happen if he revealed his secret.

But then, just as they rounded the corner to their classroom, the bell rang, signaling the start of first period. Beomgyu's heart sank. He knew he wouldn't have another chance to talk to Yeonjun until after school, and the thought of carrying this secret around for even one more day was unbearable.

He glanced over at Yeonjun, hoping that maybe his friend would sense that something was wrong and ask him about it. But Yeonjun was busy chatting with some other classmates, seemingly oblivious to Beomgyu's distress.

With a heavy heart, Beomgyu followed Yeonjun into the classroom and took his seat, feeling more alone than ever. He tried to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept wandering back to his secret, and the fact that he couldn't tell anyone about it because they might think hes weird made it worse.

As the minutes ticked by, Beomgyu felt more and more isolated. He wanted to talk to Yeonjun, to tell him everything and have him understand why he hasnt told him about the dream earlier. But for now, he was stuck in class, with no one to confiden in but himself.


Beomgyu was acting so weird today, he kept on calling my name almost the whole day, and he looked like he wanted to say something but cant get it out. He keeps saying 'never mind', which is starting to annoy me. Or avoid eye contact with me when i try talking to him. Did i do something wrong? Does he hate me?

if i did, i need to apologize to him. but for what? i dont think i did anything bad... but what if i did but i just didn't realize it? head is hurting from just thinking about this. should i try to talk to him today to see whats bothering him- if he doesn't run away from me, of course. oh look! i see beomgyu going in the restroom.


i follow him in the restroom, and when i entered he turned around and looked at me with his eyes wide. why was he blushing? did he do something embarrassing? or was he just hot because the restroom was hotter than usual? whatever it is, i dont care at all. i just want to ask him why he was ignoring me this whole entire day.

i walked towards beomgyu and surprisingly, beomgyu didn't run away or anything. he just stood there like if he wanted to tell me something important.

"Yeonjun? why did you follow me here..."

"so i can talk to you about, why cant i follow you? you are my best friend after all."


when yeonjun said that, why did it hurt me? why did him saying "you are my best friend" hurt? i-i dont have feelings for him...right? plus, hes straight and likes someone else. or- i think hes straight?

"uhm...then what did you want to ask me? i kinda need to go." I replied, hoping its not about why im ignoring him. because if it is, im.. I won't know what to say. im not ready to say it yet.

"well...I what i wanted to ask was, why have you been ignoring me this whole day?"

shit, this is bad... im not ready to tell him yet, what do i do now? i cant just dash out of the restroom, or can i? i thought for awhile and decide not to run off. Plus, I kinda miss seeing his dumb face.

but im not gonna tell Yeonjun the reason why ive been him ignoring yet. plus, we're in a public restroom right now. it'll be awkward if someone just came in while im telling yeonjun something that i dont want anyone else to hear.

"not in here yeonjun..." I replied, my voice sounding rather soft. he looks at the door and looks back at me.

"I don't think anyone is going to come here..." yeonjun replied. why did i get reminded of that dream when he said that? ugh, dksksndjsk

"mmm...but what if someone does? what if they enter when im telling you, Junnie? i only want you to hear because... because its embarrassing."  i look at yeonjuns eyes and— omg, he looks so adorable! i just realized what he was wearing. A oversized sweater over his uniform and shorts. I never saw him in shorts to be honest, he should wear them more often... his legs be lookin niceee.

"Beomgyu? bro, am i talking to a wall again?"

i quickly snap out of my thoughts and looked up at yeonjun. he then started getting closer to me.

"beomgyu, can you tell me whats bothering you please? i hate to see you struggling to tell me."

"wait, how can you tell i was struggling to tell you?" i was confused. was i that obvious? if so, why didn't he confront me about it earlier?

"Bro, you were very obvious. even my friends knew." he replied, putting his hand on my cheek and caressing it with his thumb. i tried not to panic while he kept on looking at me.

"now, can you tell me what bothering you?"

end of chapter 3

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