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Jem regarded the vampire with a new curiosity. Green was exceptionally rare for San's gift. It meant that they would never pose any harm to them, intentional or not. The only other green one was Annabelle, and she had become green over time and as she had gotten to know them. It meant that their loyalty was with them, that they would protect them. Green was something that happened with trust. Green from the first meeting had never happened before. "We shall discuss this later", Jem replied quietly before switching back to English. "Go on", he nudged his brother. "You can introduce yourself", making it look like all they had been discussing was San's nerves. Edward might read minds. But he didn't speak Korean, and he doubted that their thoughts were in English.

San nodded his head and swept his gaze over the room. "Hello", he greeted through a thicker accent than Jem. "My name is San".

"Hello", The newborn replied first with a small smile. "My name is Bella. This is Rosalie and Emmet". The couple by the piano nodded, Emmet smiling.

"I'm Alice", the small girl spoke up. "And this is Jasper. It's lovely to have you here. I have so many questions".

"We all do", Edward agreed. "But first, let me put your bags in your room". Then he was striding towards the stairs. Their duffles handing from his hands. He moved too quick for a normal pace, but too slow for a vampire run. It was more of leisurely jog, disappearing and returning within a minute.

Jem let his hearing stretch out and heard the familiar slow heartbeat of another hybrid in the kitchen. But she was not alone. There was a heartbeat in the woods, fast and strong. He had noticed it when he had gotten out of the car but hadn't mentioned it. Two similar heartbeats were in the kitchen with the girl. He turned his head towards it and inhaled. There was a smell that had been bothering him. The smell of wet dog was tangled with the scent's of the Cullen's. It was strange but he hadn't known what caused it. Surely they didn't have dogs?

San yawned, stifling it behind his hand. Jem realised that they hadn't moved from the doorway. "How are you tried? You slept through the plane rides. I even carried you", he chided as he began pushing his brother towards the sofa. San swatted at his hands but took a seat on the brown leather, bouncing slightly. The vampires had all moved with them, Annabelle taking a delicate seat at Jem's other side as he sat down. The sofa was very comfortable.

"You should sleep", San shot back. "You barely slept at all".

"Boys", Annabelle interrupted with a sigh. "Stop arguing for a second please".

"Yeah Hyung", San sniffed in English. Jem just narrowed his eyes at him.

"You wanted to hear our stories?" He asked as he turned his gaze back to the room. "I can hear the girl. And two others. Would they like to be here for it?" He nodded his head to the kitchen.

"Jacob. Seth. You can come back in", Bella called. Three people came through the kitchen door. The first was a young girl physically about five or six. She came running out to collide with her mother's legs in a flurry of brown curls. She peered at the newcomers with big brown eyes and Jem couldn't help but smile at the sight of another like him. Her heartbeat slightly faster than theirs, but she was still growing.

The other two who came out were slower, walking at human pace. They were tanned and muscular with short cut black hair and dark eyes. The taller one looked late teens to early twenties while the younger one looked barely over sixteen, maybe seventeen. They were both wearing nothing but jeans. Instantly at the sight of them, Annabelle was on her feet and between them and Jem and San. "You didn't speak of them being here", she hissed. "What are they? I can tell they aren't human. Werewolves?" Her arms were out protectively and her teeth were bared. Jem grabbed San and pushed the younger behind him as he felt sudden fear coil in his gut. Was this just a giant trap?

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