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Jem awoke to the smells of the forest breezing through the window. It mixed with the wafts of dog from the wolf people and the scents of vampires. It seemed that while he was asleep the rest of the witnesses the Cullen's had gathered had arrived back from haunting. He could smell them distantly outside where they lingered in the woods and entertained themselves in the trees. Some were downstairs and he could hear many voices talking calmly with each other. He yawned and rolled over to blink sleepily at the room.

The sunlight was bright in that clear way that it was in the cold and it streamed through the windows over the cream carpet. San was seated at the desk, laptop open and class work on the screen. He had changed clothes and was wearing a set of new York emblazoned sweats that looked comfier than the rumpled clothes Jem was wearing. At the yawn, San turned around and grinned. "Hyung you slept for over seventeen hours", he greeted. "It's seven in the morning".

Jem sat up, yawning widely as he rubbed the sleep crust from his eyes. His short hair was messy with bed head and his clothes were crumpled. The flights and sleep now making him feel a bit gross. "Where's the bathroom?" San pointed at one of then wooden doors on the opposite wall and Jem padded over. The room was all white tiles and the water pressure in the shower was amazing. He couldn't help but sigh deeply and close his eyes at the sensation.

"Do you think they'd let us use their kitchen?" He asked as he stepped back into the room, towel around his waist and hair dripping. His skin was pale, with only a hint of the flush of blood under his skin. It seemed to glimmer under the sunlight, shining beautifully but not in any way overly supernatural. To humans he'd just look prettier under the light, vampire eyes picking out the gleaming much better. He picked out a baggy band tshirt and a pair of jeans and got changed while San finished his sentence.

"We could ask. It's not like they're gonna kill us now".

"They could. Or one of their witnesses could".

"You know I'd warn you if that. All I've been getting is yellow and green". San stood and huffed, pouting. "I don't know what to do".

Jem dropped his hair towel and pulled a pink knitted jumper on. Then he held out his arms and folded his younger brother into a hug. "Hey. It's all going to be fine. You have never been wrong before, right? Hyung will never let anyone hurt you, you know that". San nodded into his shoulder and Jem smiled. "Love you".

"Love you too", San mumbled in English. "Come on, I'm hungry. I know you are too".

"Where's Annabelle?" Jem asked as he let San pull him from the room and down the stairs.

"She went hunting with Emmet and Rosalie", a male voice greeted from the bottom of the stairs. Jem paused at the sight of the blonde man, Jasper, but smiled in greeting.

"Is he greener than yesterday? I swear I'm being blinded", San muttered as they reached the bottom.

The words made Jem relax further. "Hi", his smile widened. "Jasper, right? Do you mind if I use your kitchen?" Now that he was paying more attention to Jasper, he could see that the man was young. No older than nineteen or twenty. Blonde hair curled slightly around his ears and neck and golden eyes watched him calmly. He also smelt good, warm like the heat of summer and cool rivers. Jem's face fell and he closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. He recalled that the vampire was an empath and he wondered what the man was reading from him. "Oh", he breathed as the realisation hit. It had taken longer than it should of, over tired brain and lesser senses taking time. Jasper was something.

Jem has heard of other vampires refer to them as mates, or if they were human, blood singers. What they were was that for them, there were people who your body was attracted too more than any other. They were potential mates. It didn't make them soulmates, nor mysterious other halves. Choice was still important, but they were drawn to each other and their scents were more appetising than others were. Some vampires went hundreds of years without ever meeting one. Others had more than one. Jem had never had one before.

Jasper smiled slightly, a soft twitch of the lips. "Oh", he repeated gently.

"Hyung", San tugged on Jem's sleeve and the older boy blinked. His heart felt faster and it made an embarrassed flush ride to his cheeks because he was well aware that all the vampires in the house could hear it. "What was that? You guys look like you're about to start making out".

"San!" Jem hissed with embarrassment. "I think he's a potential for me. I don't know. I've never felt like this before". The last words drifted of as he glanced back at amber eyes. Jasper waiting patiently for their conversation to finish.

San sniggered. "That's why he's green then. That makes so much sense. Get some Hyung".

"San!" Jem snarled. He reached out to flick his brother on the forehead but the little shit evaded. "And that wolf boy? I saw how he was looking at you", he teased. San scowled at him.

"I don't even know his name".

Jim sighed at his brother and smiled at Jasper apologetically. "Sorry about that. I have never met a potential of mine before. How does this work?"

Jasper smiled and it was handsome. He tucked a length of blonde behind his ear and Jem's eyes followed the action. "Getting to know each other is a good start. The kitchen is free for you to use by the way. Esme says to help yourself to any of the ingredients". He turned into the kitchen, Jem and San following him into a room of stainless steel and white cupboards.

"Would Nessie like anything?" Jem voiced was he immediately began to glance over the kitchen supplies. San had his head buried in cupboards.

"She prefers blood but we have been trying to get her to eat more human foods recently. I asked Edward". Jasper shurgged and leaned against the sink in a very human movement. He was dressed simply in a long sleeved black tshirt, jeans and converse. Jem had always been attracted to men and didn't mind the sight. He was disturbed from his thoughts as San tossed him pack of pasta. He only just caught it from hitting his head and raised it threateningly.

"Aish!" He hissed as San laughed. "I should have left you in that basement". The words held no bite.

"You keep telling yourself that Hyung". San set some tomatoes from the fridge on the table. "Lots of western ingredients. Not much spice. Western breakfast?" He suggested in Korean. Jem shrugged, lightly tossed the pasta back and picked up the tomatoes.

"Do the wolves want food?" He asked. He didn't know if the wolves ate normal food or not but he felt weird cooking and not offering stuff.

"I shall go and ask", San perked up. He was out of the kitchen and heading towards the door in a blink before Jem could stop him.

Jasper must have felt the instant spike of worry in his emotions as soon as the younger boy left his sight. "He is safe here. None of the others will hurt him". Jem knew that San could look after himself, but it never stopped him from being concerned.


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