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Jem sighed as he hefted San up higher on his shoulders. The younger hybrid snoring softly in his ear as the older carried him through the bustling airport. Years and the fact that San could sleep with AirPods in his ears as the bustle of the New York airport flooded the space around them. Jem chuckled as he recalled their very similar arrival to the US two years previously. San had slept through most of the flight then too. Only this time, he had gotten over excited and then crashed a few hours before landing. Jem shifted the boy's weight as he made his way through arrivals. 

Annabelle was the first person he saw. Long red hair in loose ringlets over and shoulders and down her back, standing out against those around her. That was some feat considering the person on her right was Rosalie and the woman on her left was Alice. The three vampires drawing the awed looks of more than a few passing travellers. She turned to them within a second of Jem spotting her and her face lit up in a wide smile. "Jem!" She called excitedly as he navigated the crowds. 

"Aww did he fall asleep?" Alice cooed as Jem reached the women. She reached out to gently brush the strands of hair from San's face. Jem beamed at them, excitement at seeing them again in person after two years filling his chest. 

"Yeah. He always knocks out when travelling. Especially on planes. He got so excited about the move that he was dead to the world before we landed", he spoke as Rosalie took the bags from him. She slung their carry ons easily over her shoulders despite the heavy looking duffle bags. "Where are the others?" Jem glanced around but there was no sign or anymore Cullens or Hales. 

Emmet went to go and pick up the rest of your luggage with Edward. Bella, Nessie and the wolves went to grab some food from the stalls but they should be back soon. Jasper is just parking the car", Alice explained as she linked her hand with Annabelle's and swung them happily together. Jem noticed matching rings on their fingers. 

"When did this happen? And you didn't tell me?" He gasped at them in mock outrage. 

"Last month. We wanted to wait until you guys had finished moving to tell you", Annabelle smiled at him, gentle and warm. She looked happier than he had ever seen her. "Would you be my best man? You're the closest to family I have". 

"Annabelle", Jem's heart felt so full. He gently shook San and the younger boy lifted his head to blink at them sleepily. Jem let the boy slide off his back to stand upright before reaching out to hug Annabelle. She was cold in his embrace and he smiled into her shoulder. "Of course". 

"Nessie and San can be our ring bearer and flower boy", Alice piped excitedly. Jem could tell that she was having the time of her life in wedding preparation mode. Annabelle laughed as they separated. 

"Flower what?" San mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "Hyung why didn't you wake me up?" 

"I tried", Jem shrugged. "Relax. Your boyfriend is getting food". He paused as a familiar fast heartbeat reached his hearing. "It seems that he's back". He added just as a Seth shaped blur shot across the crowd and collided with San with an oof. 

San let out a suddenly very awake shriek of laughter as he was picked up and spun around joyfully. "I can't believe you're here! Sannie!" Seth exclaimed as he squeezed the other boy ferociously. Jem smiled and stepped out of the way as he watched his brother wrap his arms around Seth and hug him back, face buried in the wolf's shoulder. 

Seth had grown. Two years of video calls and phone calls and various chaotic Cullen and wolf group chats had kept Jem and San mostly up to date in Korea. San finishing his degree and Jem working his butt off to afford to move out to America once San's degree was over. During that time, Seth had slowed his shifting. Now that there was no major threat coming for them and more wolves were forming within the tribes, he had taken a step back to finish high school and grow up. He wanted to be fully grown instead of just eternally sixteen. So he had stepped shifting to about once every six months so that his body would age again. Now he was taller and his hair was long enough to brush his shoulder blades. 

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