Twenty six

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"I wonder how alike our species truly are".

"Wait!" Alice's voice called out across the clearing. Aro paused in whatever he was about to do and looked up with an excited grin. Alice was jogging across the snow and he followed her with his eyes in a way that made Jem feel sick. He stepped back and Jasper was wrapping a steading arm around his waist.

"Aro", she greeted. "Before you do that. Let me show you the consequences".

"By all means my dear", he held out a hand. She took it and gripped it tightly, eyes staring into his unblinkingly. Jem couldn't help but watch as the expression on Aro's face slowly faded into horror as whatever vision she had seen played out between them. When he dropped her hand, it was as if he was dropping hot coals.

"See?" Her tone was sharp. "What you're planning would only end in that. I suggest you leave us alone".

Aro's gaze held a dim thwarted fury, like a child forbidden from their toys. "That was enlightening. We have to quarrel here".

"What about-" Caius protested.

"We have no quarrel here. The Cullens are innocent. It's best we go brother", Aro's tone was a command. Caius snarled softly in frustration but turned around. Marcus, who had been quest the whole time, sighed as he stepped back. Row by row, the volturi left.

Alice joined Jem's other side was they slowly began to walk backwards to rejoin the others. Jem's hands were trembling slightly. Jasper let him go once they were close enough and he ran the last few metres to his brother. San reached for him and Jem wrapped him in his arms. "That was so scary. They are so scary. They killed her, just like that. What if they had done so to you? I was so scared! You can't leave me!" His words turned into sobs as he clung to Jem's jacket.

Distantly, Aro was saying a few parting words before he and his fellow leaders were also leaving. Jem watched them disappear into the trees before he hugged San back with a renewed forcefulness. "It's okay. I'm not leaving you. It's over. I've got you. We're safe my boy. Sannie, we're safe".

San sniffed and pulled back to wipe his tears. Jem chuckled fondly as he ruffled the younger's hair. An embarrassed blush was colouring San's face and Jem cooed at him as he picked his cheek. His hand was batted away with a huff as San turned away to go and hide his face in Seth's fur. The wolf letting out pleased rumbles as San gripped fistfuls of the golden fur and hugged as much as the wolf as he could manage.

Jem smiled at the sight and looked around. Everyone was rejoicing that the hearing had ended with the best outcome they could hope for. The Denali clan was huddled together in mourning as around then people hugged and enjoyed the moment. Jem watched as Bell pressed furious kisses over her daughter's face as Nessie giggled. Rosalie and Emmet were simply holding each other while Carlisle and Esme whispering to each other with smiles. His eyes skimmed the groups and paused on the red hair. Annabelle was wrapped up in Alice's arms as the smaller woman kissed her senseless. He blinked in surprise. He had a feeling that there was something there but he hadn't known that it had progressed that far.

"That's their first kiss", Jasper voiced as he reached for him.

"Go them", Jem laughed as he wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist. Jasper's own hands on his hips as Jem leaned in to press his nose to the cool skin of his cheek. "Kiss me? I think I need one after that".

Jasper smiled and leaned in to connect their lips in a kiss that made Jem's mind blissfully empty. Despite his skin being cold, it was so warm. Jasper held him like he was precious and Jem would let him if it made him feel like this. It made the anxiety and fear of the last few hours worth it, so worth it if he could meet him and keep everyone safe.

When he pulled away, it was with a smile so wide it hurt. "I like you", he confessed into the warm air of his breaths as they ghosted Jasper's lips. "I really like you".

"I really like you too darlin". Jasper's crooked grin was dazzling. "Later, let me take you out".

"Yes", Jem laughed as Jasper trailed his cold nose across his jaw. "Jagiya you could take me anywhere".

"What does that mean?"

Jem's reply was a smile as he pulled back. Around them, some of the covens were leaving. Vladimir and Stefan had thrown a strop at the lack of a fight and were already gone. The amazons were saying goodbyes to Carlisle and when Jem pulled away from his vampire, it was to see Benjamin walking over towards him. San broke away from Seth to join him as the Egyptian greeted them with a smile.

"You should keep in contact. It would be good to hang out again without the threat of death on the horizon".

"Yes. San here need more vampire friends", Jem grinned.

"I would protest that but it's true", San grumbled. Benjamin laughed.

"Stay ion touch, yeah?"

"I will. If you ever come to Korea, let us know!" San called as Benjamin turned and headed back to coven.

Jem watched his brother's face as the meaning of what he had said hit. Korea, they could go home now. Go home to where it is just the two of them. No family, no friends. "Hey, don't look so sad", he said as he ruffled San's hair. "Just one more year and you're done with college. Then we can move. If you want to move here then we can get you transferred. Don't worry about it just yet".

"I won't", San promised before sending him a smile and striding back towards Seth. Jem watched as the two of them, wolf and hybrid, began walking back to the tent. Probably to get Seth some trousers so he could change back and they could actually talk. He grinned, happy that his brother was safe. He was safe and he was loved. That was all that Jem had ever wanted.

Jasper slipped his hand into his. "I can feel it".

Jem turned his grin onto him. Neither of them needed to say what Jasper felt. It was much too early for either of them to say 'I love you', but the mixture of desire, warmth, contentment, fondness and protectiveness. Well, that was close enough to love that it wouldn't take long. Jem just folded himself back into his boyfriend's arms and smiled into his shoulder. He had never wanted this for himself because he didn't think it was an option for him. Now, he didn't want to give it up.


here it is. The end. Only the epilogue left now.

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