Chapter 1

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So........ This is life? Dull, boring, and.... lifeless? I thought that it was supposed to be full of laughter..... happiness..... and full of... well, life.

Instead, my life is being wasted away, while he  is out in the world.

Living his life in the best possible way, for him. I've been locked up, put behind bars, treated less like an object, and more like an old book that hasn't been interacted with in decades. Forgotten.

I was the lucky one.

I'm where I am  because I was found with him.

If this.... is eternal life...... I'd rather not......

If I was jailed for the wrong reasons, why should I stay? Ever since I was a little angel, my mother warned me about befriending him. She warned me. I suppose this is what I get for disobeying my mother.

I'm an angel, or used to be an angel. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone my age when I was very little. My mother always told me anyone could be a bad influence. I was always curious to ask if everyone could be a bad influence, couldn't my only mother be a bad influence? But no, I never asked. She told me until I learned to trust my conscience, I wasn't allowed to leave the house.

I guess she was trying to protect me, looking back on that. How should I know? She isn't allowed to visit, no one is. No one even gaurds what I'm in, this cell. I think it's come time for a break out for me and my half-formed conscience.

What do you think?

I'm a grown angel now, but my conscience doesn't know right from wrong.

I was friends with the devil, after all. Not purposely, of course.

I didn't know Lucifer was evil, he was the first person I talked to, other than my mother. Mom didn't want me to leave the house. She believed that there was evil, even in heaven, and it could be a bad influence on a good little angel's mind.

I don't know what happened to my father, I was always told that I was one of the many children of God, but I never met him. Mom mentioned that once, he too was caught up in mischief, and mom rescued him.

If mom could rescue dad, maybe she could help me too. If I could ask the distant gaurds for one visitor...... Just one...... Do you think they'd let her in? It's worth a try.

Or maybe if I just asked to be judged by God now, He'd sent me to purgatory. All things considered, it would still be better than this.


I went to God.

My responce isn't heaven. It isn't purgatory. But it's not hell, and for that I thank the Lord.

Since God knows I wasn't guilty, he thinks I should just go to earth and develop my conscience.

He believes that once I can learn to trust, and even have people trust me, I can go to purgatory and then finally go back to heaven and actually LIVE there. No strings attached.

I hope.

I was told it will be a public event, when I go down to Earth.

I'm going to..... Syracuse? I think.......

In New York.
In America.
North America.

I've heard that the people there are bitter-sweet.

All the people there have names. I never got a name, when you're old enough, the High Angels would assign you a name.

I wasn't old enough before "that" happened.

I've been called a Satanist, and many times, I was refered to as "The Half-Fallen Angel."


The ceremony to salute me to the Earth was short.

I talked to some of the people in Heaven- holy He let me talk to people. I asked around to the people who lived in New York not that long ago, and I learned their accent.

My mother showed up for the ceremony. I smiled at her at one point, but she just looked away and stared at something in the distance.

I couldnt give another thought to how that made me feel. Betrayed, sad, angry, I don't know. Seconds later that was put out of my mind. I needed to listen to God give me a plan.


I was told that I am 17 years old, born In September, I'm a Libra. I have 2 younger sisters, Allison and Maddy, My mother and father took them on a roadtrip to Florida, and I didn't go on the trip because I needed to finish at my current high school (even though I was homeschooled before) and find a job to support me while I was alone. I guess he forgot to give me a name....

It was too late to ask. I was sent off to Earth. To develop my conscience. To learn trust. To be able to spot a snake.


I remember the first words I heard. I'll never forget them. "WOAH, Are you okay?!"

They came from a boy. Tall, somewhat buff, he had light blond hair, that was fairly shaggy. He had piercing blue eyes. He had a scratch on his cheek and a scratched up arm, but that was from the series of events that transpired a few minutes before.

You see, he filled me in on what happened, apparently I completely zoned out. He was walking home from his school -It's a Wednesday- and he was walking beside the railroad as a shortcut, and he saw me on the tracks while a train was too close for comfort.

He, of course, saved me from that dumb way to die even though I didn't even live that long. Anyway, he jumped out in front of the train to save me. He mentioned that it seemed I appeared out of thin air... I giggled a bit to myself at that comment.

So then he invited me back to his place, to get cleaned up, after he knocked me out of the way of the train, we fell over, and were both scraped up a bit.

On the walk over to his house, he introduced himself as Jake. He was 18 and was a Gemini. He said he transfered to the nearby school little under a month ago, and he was having trouble making friends. He was having some family problems and basically missed an entire year of school, so he was repeating his Senior year.

He then asked me about myself, I told him I was homeschooled, but since my parents had poor planning on roadtrips, I would too, be transferring to the nearby high school for Senior year.

"I know we just met'n all but... Your name?" Jake questioned.

"Oh right, um... My name is.... Angelica," nice save, "but I guess you could call me... Angie?"

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