Chapter 3

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Jake insisted that I stay over at his house while it was pouring rain. He said his mother wouldn't like someone else sleeping in her bed while she was gone, and thus I had to-- well I didn't have to but it would have been hecka rude to turn down his offer of shelter.


He had one of those double beds so it wasn't at all awkward. I faced one way and he faced the other way. I trust him enough, I think.

"You met him a couple of hours ago."

YEAH, bUt you said I could trust him, notorious voice.

"Just be careful."

Careful with what? I'm not one to break the Comandments.

"I'm just saying approach this, of all things, cautiously."

I don't see why, but ok.

"Hey, Angel?" Jake spoke out.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Do you ever think about the meaning of life?" Good question. No.

"Yeah, sometimes." Ok. Ok. A different kind of life, though.

"What do you think life is about? Like why are we here?" Whoa, Jake. That was deep.

"I think we're here to just.... oh I don't know, maybe God just wants to see what'll happen."

Just then, Jake sat up and spoke, "Oh great, you're one of those religious people, aren't you?" he asked, but it sounded more like a statement of disbelief.

I sat up, looking Jake straight in his eyes and said, "That depends. I know enough not to murder and that stealing is wrong," I half smirked here, "But who ever said the Church can't party?"

A giggle fest broke out.

Oh lawdy lawdy

Jake managed to fit inbetween laughter, "You really think that the Church can have fun? You need to get out more."


Oh be quiet inner voice. You cannot party either.


Oh, be silent.

"I will not be silenced."

Ugh. Stop.

"Hey..? Hey!" Exclaimed by the only real person other than me in the room, you guessed it, Jake.

"Sorry..... What were you saying?" I asked... I need to stop zoning......

"I was just asking, since the Church can party hardy, would you like to accompany me to this party that I heard about? Everyone's invited, and I really don't want to go alone....."

"If it gives me something to do, then sure." I said a bit blandly... Wow, hormones, stop being so weird. He's so nice.

And thus..... I scored a date for Friday night. Oh crap, what day is it?

"Oh crap, what day is it?" My words mimicked my thoughts.

"It's Wednesday.... Why?" curiousity filled his voice.

"Just wonderin'." I said, shrugging.


I walked to the house I'm staying in for awhile, given to me by the angels.

It's a cute little house. Much bigger than I'm used to.

"Was the cell too cramped for you?"


"Then of course it's better than you're used to."

oh hush up.

The house was equipped with three bedrooms with bunk beds in one, a king sized bed in another, and single mattress in the third. Seeing as the bunk bed was decorated with pink sheets and ruffles, this room is probably the eight-year-olds' room. The king sized bed's room is most likely the "parents" room.

It's okay, I guess. The single bed is a pillow-top mattress anyway. I checked.


Rude Voice.

"I'm hurt. I really am"

I'm sorry

I started looking through the wardrobe in my room and put together some outfits to wear, and changed into some pyjamas. And by pyjamas I mean shorts and a tank top. And also bunny slippers. You are never to old for bunny slippers.

While looking through the possessions in that room, I started thinking some strange things. Like, who bought these clothes? Who decorated the house? Does anyone actually live here? If so, what are they like? Do they mind me staying here for awhile?

How would I explain to the people around here where my parents have been if I end up staying here long? I'm not a good liar. Like, I can tell something wrong to spare someone's feelings, but I couldn't lie to people by saying something as absurd as, "They died."

Because they didn't live to begin with....

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