Chapter 2

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"You sure about that?" He joked, while showing an adorable grin. And we were on our way.


While I was cleaning up, his mother made us some snacks to eat, after we filled her in that her son just saved me from a train and all... She was proud, obviously.  Secretly, I was wondering if maybe she was just happy that Jake found a friend. Poor Jake.

I seriously only met him about an hour before. Either way, he's some kind of friend. I'm going to end up being an outcast just like in Heaven. Who would want to be friends with a hopeless? I have barely talked to people... ever... Haven't really seen people either. I can't tell if I'm one of those pretty teenagers or one of those... Oh dear me, do not cast the first stone.

All I can tell is that I'm so glad that Heaven had make-up. If it didn't, I'd be in trouble.

At least I have some brains. Oh be quiet, you know what I mean. Sure, I was in front of a train, and friends with the Devil, and was in jail for several years, but looking past that -- I know how to handle myself in bad situations.

. . .

"Sometimes. okay?"


I am sitting in Jake's living room when this..... voice..... in my head is.... talking?

anyone know why it's talking?

"Reasons, are why."

I am seriously messed up if I'm hearing voices.

"You can trust him."

What? Who?


At this point in time I was just having a battle in my head. I wasn't really controlling that..... voice..... And I don't like this presence in my head......

" I can hear you, you should know."

If you can hear me then why are you eavesdropping? Little rude, isn't it?

... There was no answer after that.

In an attempt to make the voice come back I was exploring thoughts to annoy it, if it was even listening. If anyone heard those thoughts I must have seemed demented.

But I only seemed crazy when I accidentally screamed "COME BACK!"

When Jake's mom heard this she ran into the living room from the kitchen and asked what was wrong in a really... concerned? voice... I had to explain that I was resting my eyes and I started to fall asleep, and must have had a nightmare.

I may have been dreaming when that scene happened. Right?

I think I was. One of those lucid dreams.

I had lucid dreams frequently back in Heaven. I have a feeling I'm going to turn out just like a grandmother telling these stories.

"When I was a youngster back in Heaven when I was dead but never really alive I was friends with the devil and was a cast-away. Now use your cell phone and eat your vegetables."

While I was off fantisizing about my grandmotherly form, Jake appeared next to me. I didn't realize he was there until he said, "Those are some creative thoughts you've got there. You a writer?" My confused and shocked look must have told him I had no idea what he heard. Surely, because me saying, "what?" wasn't enough already.

"Yeah, you were mumbling about being some sort of an angel grandmother. If you really wanted to you could probably write a children's book. You could call it "The Angel and the Brussel Sprouts: Grandmother's Way of Food," or if you really wanted to, you could make a comic book. I'm pretty good at drawing, I guess." He said all of this, seemingly without taking a breath. Impressive.

"That seems like a fun project.... Maybe. I'll think about it." I said, calmer than I was about a minute ago.

Somehow it started raining inbetween when I was paying attention and now. It's around 7 at the moment, if I'm correct.

Jake's mom works the night shift at the Emergency Room. Saving people at the last minute must run in the family. She left awhile ago and mumbled a goodbye on her way out. Must be stressful leaving your teenage son in an empty house with a teenage girl. Unless of course that teenage girl happens to be the perfect example of modesty and abstinence, then you don't have a worry in the world. But even angels make mistakes, oh god... gosh. I said gosh. I forget what my little sister's name was...

Did I have two younger siblings?

This isn't going well..... Where are my notes?

I only realized I had daydreamed away and Jake was snapping his fingers in my face saying, "Earth to Angie."

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I've been a bit spacey today, pardon my manners."

"No problem.... Apparent Queen." he said standing up from the couch and doing a curtsy, obviously mocking my properness.

"Sir Jacob, I will require you not make fun of my posh wording, Properness is the only way to be one with the Queen." I teased back, In a very convincing "posh" accent.

Somehow we both found that funny, and when the laughter died down, Jake asked, "Sooo.. Did you do any of the Summer Reading?"

The summer what now

"They require that here?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Really sucks, but it's how life is," he continued on, "I haven't started it either." He said, smirking at whatever there was to smirk at.

"Wanna help me write an essay? In return I'll tell you what happens in this book. The title's in french and I can't pronounce it." He suggested.

And thus, for the next few hours we sat discussing the book that neither one of us could pronounce.

It's just too bad we lost track of time.

By the time the rough draft was written out, it was 10 PM, raining very hard, and it was dark out.

"I should really be going home now. It's way past curfew." I said... I don't have a curfew... Lying! No!

"Angie, it is pitch black and raining out. I'm not letting you walk home in the rain," he said, with such authority in his voice.

"It's dangerous outside at night, you said earlier that your parents aren't home. They won't even know you're gone. Just stay over, it won't be hurting anyone."

Oh Jake... Are you really sure about that?

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