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                                                         ----------------     Alpha Blake     ----------------

     Training went pretty smoothly that afternoon and I felt myself smile in pride at how well this rotation of training had gone. Everyone has been remembering their recent lessons and following Beta Tyler and I's plans decently well. 

     Dinner went smoothly too, Mom hasn't figured out anything is off yet and Dad surprisingly enough hasn't told her that I've been acting weird. Normally he can't keep from sharing anything and everything with her, another consequence of the mate bond I'm sure.

     I woke up this morning even more determined and excited than I had yesterday. If this is how I feel after being away from my mate for two days and knowing I see her today I can't imagine how I'd feel having her here with me and waking up everyday with her next to me.

     Feeling heat rise to my ears as I think about it I get up and try to start the day as nonchalant as possible. Ever since Dad's interrogation yesterday I've been trying to be more low key and as normal as I can be. 

     I head to the kitchen and nearly groan seeing Mom cooking breakfast again. I had to work hard last night hiding this secret and now she's here undoubtedly trying to sniff out anything she can from me. 

      "Morning Momma, what's for breakfast?", I ask as sweetly as I can while giving her a kiss on the cheek. The normal routine I follow when she cooks for the pack house. 

     "Just some eggs and bacon today, Shi. I just woke up and felt like cooking tons of eggs today." She giggles out and sips her coffee while watching the pan closely. I grab a plate and fill it as fast as I can and sneak out before she can ask any questions. My goal is to finish this and run as fast as I can to the Stone-creek pack without being noticed. Not an easy task for an Alpha.

     I had finished shoveling down my food and took off out the back door discreetly.  I walked towards to west borders and tried to keep as fast pace without attracting attention but once I reached the border I saw Tyler there with one of the warriors.

     "Beta Tyler, Cameron. Is there an issue I should know about?"

     They both turn and look at me and Tyler smiles knowingly almost like he's laughing to my annoyed state. "Oh nothing to worry about here. Just catching up." Tyler adds smirking.

     Cameron bends his head down to acknowledge me before looking up and saying, "Beta Tyler just had a question about how we were taking the changes to our patrols. I was telling him these rounds are much more efficient in my opinion and a few of us have agreed the shorter shifts are better and keep our eyes fresh.".

     "I'm glad to hear it Cameron. If any concerns arise don't feel afraid to address it with one of us. We are trying to make sure were remaining safe and secure here.". After saying this I start to continue on my way hoping they dont ask me what I'm doing heading out of pack grounds.

     "Alpha!" Cameron yells after me. I turn around and try not to show my slowly building impatience. "I was just curious, are we preparing for an attack or something? We haven't changed patrols since I started as a warrior and I just want to know if I should be looking for something in particular or if this is just precautionary."

     Cameron says this almost shyly making me know hes not questioning my authority but I cant shake the annoyance Steel is feeding me. We don't like being stalled from out mate like this but I cant lose my cool unless I want to blow my cover.

     "Nope. Just wanting to try out a few new things in the event something does happen. We can't get to comfortable assuming nothing bad will happen or we can be taken off guard and that will lead to many casualties. If you have more questions direct them to Beta Tyler or Felix. I have business to attend to and this cant wait any longer. Have a good day."

     With that I take off and shift into my wolf form so I can arrive faster, carrying my clothes in my wolfs mouth.

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