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                                           ----------------     Alpha Shiloh Blake Woods      ----------------

     I lept off the couch when she said yes, I just couldn't stop myself. I drop to my knees in front of her and grab her into a hug, hiding my face in her neck and breathing in her amazing and delicious scent.

     "E, I promise I'll make sure you're safe and comfortable there! I swear to you!" I back up and look at her to see a shocked face at my outburst of excitement. "In two days I was going to come back and visit again but instead why don't I meet you at the spot Felix and I leave the bags and we can travel to my house together. We can spend the day watching movies or playing games or just talking. Whatever you want to do!"

     I see Everton smile as she thinks about it and her hand lands on mine which was sat on the couch next to her. "Okay, I think that sounds fun."

     After grinning at her a bit longer a move back to my spot on the couch and share all my favorite things about my pack, our pack. I can't wait to have her there.

     A few hours had past with us just talking and trying to finish a random puzzle that was left out, I could see the sun setting through the windows and was trying my best to ignore it until something extremely annoying kept knocking at the pack link.

     "Alpha, I know you can hear me. Stop ignoring me. Your parents are starting to ask questions about where you went and I feel like they're beginning to question my authority as a Beta everytime I answer with 'I'm not sure'. When are you get back dude?"

     "Tyler butt out before I chain you up in the basement with Felix's little sisters.", I growl back. Tyler doesn't like kids that much and those two little girls have an obsession with Tyler so it would be like water torture to him.

     I hear him mutter a 'whatever' through the link before I block him off again. I stare at Everton for what is probably the thousandth time in the last hour alone. I can see the focus in her eyes and her teeth biting her bottom lip as she focuses on where her current puzzle piece should go. Oh, what I would do just to feel her lips against mine even once. 

     I finally break out of my trance when my phone rings in from my pocket. Why did I bring this junk with me....

     I pull it out and see its my Mom calling so I answer after debating with my wolf on whether or not she'll kill me for dropping her call.

                                                              ----------------     Everton     ----------------

     "Hey Mom, what's up?"

     I watch Shiloh as his eyebrows furrow slightly and his relaxed form starts to turn more stiff. I start to wonder what his phone call is about and why they want to call him but I don't have the courage to ask so I just sit and try not to appear like I'm listening in to his call.

     "Well I just went out for a while, I needed a break. Do you need me?" 

     There's a long pause and I can tell someone is talking on the other line but I can't hear what is being said.... "Yeah, I asked Tyler to have some of the pack cleaning staff to tidy it up for me. I figured since no one is using it I could clean it up and stock it with stuff as a getaway inside the pack lines, that way I'm not far away but I still can have some quiet alone time."

     Shiloh listens for what the other person is saying and suddenly his eyes snap to me and his face turns to a deep blush. I smile at his reaction and grow more and more curious by the second at what the other person has said, I can guess it's probably his Mom considering how he answered the call.

     "Oookay that's enough of that Mom. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast. I promise I'll be back before too long. Yea, love you too, goodnight.". Shiloh hangs up the phone and runs his hand through his hair again while laughing uncomfortably before he looks back at me and starts to stand up. 

     "I'm sorry about that, my Mom wanted to check in on me and then she was ranting about working too hard. She said I need to 'go out and sniff our new places' which lead to her teasing me about finding a mate so she could have some grandchildren running around the pack... really embarrassing how she does that at the worst times."

     I stand up to be somewhat on the same level as him and ask him quietly, "Your Mom doesn't know you found your mate yet?". I could feel a sharp pain in my chest just thinking about it and Briar was whining in my head at the thought of him hiding us, I don't know why it bothers us but...

    He immediately grabs my hands and looks in my eyes, "Everton I want to tell her so bad, in fact I am struggling not to carry you back to my pack and announce to them all that I found my mate and their Luna, but I know you're not ready to meet all these people or deal with everything that is going to come after I finally do that. I want to ease you into pack life again and make you feel comfortable with the idea of being around a pack, running the pack with me. I refuse to mess this up and scare you away Everton. You're my life and I can't risk losing you."

     I try to fight the heat that is spreading through my body and the butterflies that have found a way into my stomach but the smile on my face can't help but shine at his words. He just wants to protect us and make us feel safe. 

    Maybe this mate and pack thing won't be so bad afterall.

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