chapter 2

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A blinding white light wakes me up immediately and I push myself onto my forearms.

The first thing I notice is that my hoodie is gone leaving me in just my long sleeve black shirt and black skinny jeans. My phone is on a desk charging and my ratty black converse and someone else's shoes are by the door. The hoodie is on a hanger by the door plus my keys. There's a desk is at the foot of the bed and behind it is a wardrobe. The bed is pushed up again the right wall and on my left is a night table, stacked with books, around 5 dirty glasses and mugs, and a lamp.

How did i get here? Wait, where is "here"?

I begin to get up but something pushes me down.

No, someone.

I panic. Someone else is in the room. Is this their room? Did they just kidnap me!?

But soon enough the culprit shows his face. He has tan skin and Lots of freckles. He has golden curls, some falling into his face, and his hair is in need of a haircut. He has sky-blue eyes and long light brown lashes, the kind you don't notice unless you are really close to someone. Speaking of which, I can feel his breath brushing against my cheek, smelling a hint of coffee.

Did this rando just kid-nap me? He must be the guy from the bus stop but my thoughts trail off when I notice he is staring at me expectantly. Did he say something? I try and rub the grogginess out of my eyes and I shake my head and attempt to tune back in.

" Sorry what?"

Sorry!? Just because he's cute doesn't mean you should be nice to the guy that KIDNAPPED YOU!

His blue eyes look at me with concern and he combs his blond wavy hair back.

"it's OK. I asked if you were alright."

" I'm fine" I spit, glaring at him.

He studies my face and all I can think about is the things he might do. Brand me? Light my hair on fire? Eat me alive!? Suddenly his hand reaches out toward my face and I flinch away. He jerks his hand back, holding it to his chest as he moves to get up. I realize I must be on his bed and I scramble up, tripping on a book on the floor and scraping my arm against the nightstand.

I hiss in pain and I can feel blood seeping through my sleeve. The boy rushes over to me but I know better than trust some psycho stranger who kidnapped me off the street. I back away but this murder mystery man is quicker than I thought and grabs my arm.

I'm already getting mad at him but he pushes my sleeve up to find reopened slits in my wrist.


I've known this guy, for what? 3 minutes? And he already has seen the results of my episodes. I pull away and tug my sleeve back down. He reaches towards me again but I sidestep him and grab my phone and hoodie.

I dial 911 and show him the screen. " I will call them, don't test me!"

He looks at me in surprise, like he hasn't taken me off the streets and put me on his bed and try and touch my fucking face.

Realization dawns on his face.

" Oh my god! You must think I'm some crazy killer!"

"Yeah well, you're not doing much to help your case, "I snap sarcastically, feeling much more scared than I'm letting on.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I saw you feinting in that alleyway and- oh god im sorry- I was trying to help you! My name is will solace and I'm 19, were- shit- were in my university dorm. "

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