Final mission from the boss

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After finishing many, many, many, many, MANY laps around the river, narancia eventually worked up the courage to go back and check on mista, Giorno and Y/N. A huge sigh of relief left him as he saw mista lying down on a concrete bench with Y/N and Giorno calmly sitting on the ground next to him. He stopped the boat and yelled their names, standing up and wobbling a bit to wave and get their attention

"Hey! Y/N! Giorno! Mista!"

He yelled. All three of the boys turned their heads in response. Giorno was the first to get up, followed by a tired Y/N and mista.

"Sheesh, took you long enough.."

Muttered Y/N. Narancia scoffed in response.

"Whatever! Hurry up and get in, we got somewhere to be!"

Everyone listened and complied without question. Giorno stepped carefully onto the boat, mista and then Y/N.

Fugo and abbaccio both emerged from the turtle, crowding onto the boat. Y/N sat closely next to fugo, their legs and shoulders touching as the boat started moving once again.

A voice sounded from the turtle, which was positioned near the front of the boat.

"What's our estimated arrival?" Bucciarati and Trish where the only ones inside of the turtle at the moment.

"We're near the Rialto Bridge, so five minutes give or take." Fugo replied

"Good, then let's get it done."

The boat stayed silent for a moment. Y/N quietly glanced at fugo, admiring his features in silence. Fugo met his eyes once before darting his eyes back to the front of the boat. Y/N smiled lightly after noticing the light pink tint of blush that had invaded onto Fugos features.

He turned his attention to the front as well.

"Bucciarati. What was it that the boss left on the disc?"

Another silence followed them

"I'm checking it now. After the initial greeting, it says he 'input the information onto this disc when we where at the train station in Naples.' It goes on saying 'I therefor have no means of knowing the number or your pursuers at the current moment, nor do I know the number of men you have possibly lost in your battles until now. This disc will tell you the best way for us to safely rendezvous with my daughter. It will be your final mission. Also know this. It is imperative that you also follow my instructions to the letter. This condition is non-negotiable. If you or your men deviate from my directive—regardless of weather the act is accidental— I'll be forced to consider it a direct act of betrayal. And now, my directive; you are to travel to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. There, with my daughter in tow, you shall bring my daughter to the top of the bell tower. Upon your safe delivery of my child, you will have completely the mission."

Y/N yawned, thinking of the place the boss was commanding them to meet.

'Haha, San Giorgio kinda sounds like Giornos name' he thinks with a stupid smile.

"Rule #1: there is no stairway to the top, and only one elevator can reach the top of the bell tower. Only truth and one protector should be allowed to board that elevator. That protector must be either Y/N or Bucciarati.. if both or either are still alive."

A few eyes glance to Y/N, making the atmosphere slightly tense.

"Rule #2; said protecter must have no knives, guns, cell phones, or any other objects on them.

Rule #3: from the moment you retrieve this disc, you will have five teen minutes to disembark. This disc is outfitted with a transmitter, which will allow my to follow your movements."

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