A familair voice

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YO. This chapter is mad boring, it's basically where Polnereff comes through the laptop and tells them to meet him at the Colosseum and tells them about the arrow,
Y/N huffed lightly as he sat down next to Giorno on the red couch of the turtle room. He rested his elbow on the arm of the couch as Giorno scanned through police records

 He rested his elbow on the arm of the couch as Giorno scanned through police records

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Illustrated by me😈😈

Giorno sighed, watching as all of the pictures he matched came as negative.

"Check interpol and the Sardinian police records. There has to be something.."

Bucciarati muttered

"I'm sorry but nothings coming up! If there was a criminal record, he's surely completely wiped it by now."

Giorno sighed. Y/N sat himself up, bringing his face closer to the computer and watching as it tried to put together a match. The room was silent for a moment, the only sound being the clicking of keys under Giornos fingers.

"..we can let him get away. For a moment that feeling came over me again. Just like in Venice. The person who approached abbacchio was my father."

Bucciarati stood up out of his seat, eagerly asking

"Do you mean to say you can sense his presence right now!?"

Trish nodded

"Yes.. I can't tell you exactly where, but he's nearby"

Bucciarati nodded. Giorno hummed as the laptop beeped. The screen had a red pop up, which showed 0 matches on a facial and finger print recognition scan.

Bucciarati sighed

"It's no use. He's covered his tracks expertly. Seems we've hit a dead end"

Y/N frowned, opening his mouth to speak but being cut off by an alarm going off on the laptop, before a staticy voice spoke through it.

"I wouldn't say that. You've already succeeded in finding your cord. You need only learn the way to destroy him"

The voice calmly said. The images on the screen contorted, random pop ups flying everywhere and random letters sprawling out across the screen.

"Giorno, we're being tracked! Cut the communication!-"

Bucciarati commander, but his voice was interrupted this time by the man on the other end of the laptop. His voice was more eager than before.

"Wait, don't do that! I'm trying to help you! Don't you wish to defeat Diavolo?!"

Giornos hand paused as it reached for the mousepad, his fingertips hovering just above it. The man spoke again.

"Please, believe me. I am on your side!"

Bucciarati waited a moment before speaking again.

"Diavolo, you say? Excuse my wariness, but it will take a whole lot more than simply knowing a name to convince me. Giorno, please disconnect us."

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