A/N: A deal for y'all

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So, it's been a little bit since i last updated this but i have a deal for everyone who reads this, or any of my books. You read Potions Fiasco and try and get it to 1k reads and vote if i should do a face reveal and I'll hurry up and finish writing the remaining chapters and start thinking of some ideas for the next Banished Naruto book. How's that? You do those two requirements and you'll have faster updates on this until it ends. Really, i want y'all to give me feedback on how Potion Fiasco's newest version turned out since it surpassed the original amount of chapters i did at the beginning. The Sequel will be having a re-write as well but i gotta finish the first book first. Now one more thing before i send y'all this, read the old version to see the difference between 2022 old-version and 2023 new-version. I love y'all very much and am thankful you guys have given this so much love since it came out. Thank you! and happy early Easter everyone!



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