Authors note

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This is a fanfiction. None of the characters i used in this are mine

The storyline will be  different from the original Tokyo revangers.

Since English is not my first language there might be some mistakes.

This will be my Au

There will be some of my OCS

And the pics which i might use aren't mine

Au explaintion:

Hanagaki Takemichi was a member of toman. None of the toman members knew that takemichi was a girl even his partner chifuyu didn't knew  that.  Everything was going fine  until takemichi disappeared  out of nowhere. Toman members and the other gang members which were her friends were worried about "him"  cuz of "his" sudden disappearnce. He disappeared  as if he never existed on the first place. They all were searching for her. Until 5 years later they found him only to found out that he was a "she" all along. What will they do now that they have found the person they wanted to find?  What willl they do now that the person they wished for to be a girl just so they can date her ?  Can they finally date takemichi?
Just when they thought they were gay for him he turned out to be a girl?

What will they do to takemichi now?

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