5.Meeting someone unexpected

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Takemichi's POV:

We  reached Japan and  as soon as we get out  someone  came running towards us and hugged me tightly.

It was none other then Hina- Chan. I smiled and hugged her back. I was happy to see her again since she was the only one i kept in touch with.

A tear escaped from my eyes. I was too happy to see her  and she was too since she couldn't stop crying. 

Soon i felt a  soft febric wipping my tears . I  looked at the owner who it belonged to  and it was none other then Nato Hina-chans little brother.

I was a little shocked since i didn't knew he had came with her too. But heck I don't even know if he knew i was takemichi.

I was looking at him with a confused  look. It was quiet clear that i was confused as fuck.

Then i heard someone laughing i knew it was shinchin. He was laughing a little to hard  at my face.


I was just smiling  with an irked mark on my face i stopped hugging Hina-chan and went towards shinchin. He stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I- i didn't mean to laugh?"- shinchin
Said with an scared look on his face trying to smile.

After i beat him up he passed out. I turned towards  Hina-chan and  saw that Nato was  talking in a call few metres away i called here near me and asked her

"Why is nato here... Hina-chan"-Takemicchi

" I'm sorry takemichi....when you told me you were going to come back to Japan i  was overjoyed...and without thinking i went and hugged nato  while saying you were coming back...." -Hinata

She looked down and i could say she was going to  cry any moment now....i just sighed and hugged her saying it's alright.

"I was surprised when i  found out you were a girl....."-Nato

I flinched a bit  cuz i didn't saw him coming towards us. I looked at him with a suprised look and he laughed a little and said again.

"It's been a while "-Nato said  with a smile

I  noded and smiled at him

"You have become  taller and quite handsome too Nato-kun"-Takemichi said with a  smile.

He blushed a bit on that i think  he is not good at taking compliment so i  didn't pay much attention towards it and just chatted with him a bit.

Nato's POV:

I was waiting for takemichy with my big sister hinata at the airport .when two people came out of the airport my sister started running towards the girl  she hugged her and started crying.

The girl had blue oceanic eyes  which  i can never forget. Her hair reached her shoulders. Her lips were plum . And a cute button nose. In other words she was beautiful.

I saw her as she hugged my sister and tears slowly fell from her beautiful eyes. She was smiling happily while crying and hugging my sister.

I went towards her and take out my handkerchief  and  wipe out her tears she looked at me  with a shocked and confused face.

I heard a guy laughing at her face. And then the guy called her Michi....which  made me sure that this girl is takemichi.

Although the poor guy got beaten up by her. He later passed out i soon heard my phone ringing and went a little far from them. Then i saw her signalling my sister to come towards her

I quietly went towards then and heard her ask my sister what was i doing here. And my sister explained her what and how I found out about  her being takemichi.

She sighed and hugged my sister saying it's alright. When i started talking she flinched a bit and looked towards me. Her face looked cute i laughed a little at her reaction.

She just nodded her head with a smile on her face she looked so beautiful....she give me a compliment
About my height and said i am quite handsome which made me blush.

We talked for a while and then her friend woke up and said

"Michi i think we should go to our apartment now"- he said looking at his phone.

"AH!? you are right shinchin  we need to go to check our place!?"- takemicchi

We all started going towards our car, we said our goodbyes  and went home. I  was curious about their relationship. By the looks of it they looked quite close.  So i asked my sister instead and she said they are just good friends and nothing more. I was kinda happy to hear it.

No ones POV:

In a coffee shope a guy can be seen looking at the menu on the top to order something. He was searching dorayaki  since his friend won't stop annoying him. As he was still looking for the Dorayaki  two people came inside the shop . He didn't pay much attention to them until.

"I would like to order two coffee please"-??

"Yes ma'am. Can I get your name?"-Cashier

"Ahh yes it's Takemichi hanagaki "-??

"Thanks for coming "-?? The cashier said as  she  went out off the shop with her coffee

What takemichi didn't notice was the  person who was staring at her with wide eyes. As she left.

What do you think ? Who can it be?


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