10.Why are you late...?

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Takemichi 's POV:

When i finally realised who this guy was. I couldn't think of anything. I just stared at him. He then suddenly hugged me and rested his head on my head and said.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Michi"-??

I just sweatdroped at that cuz he wasn't wrong about the explaining part. But seriously i was sacred to death when he dragged me here. I was just thinking when i heard him laughing again.

"Why are you laughing again"-Takemichi

"Pfft-- it's just that....your face when i brought you here was hilarious HAHAHAHA."-??

I blushed from embarrassment and pinched him on his left side of stomach.

"Ow ow-- why did you do that it hurts"-??

He said while holding the area where i pinched him hard.

"Like it should!? Hmnp!"-Takemichi

I said while looking away from him. He just chukled at my behaviour and hold my hand. When he hold my hand i looked at our hands and then at him he was smiling at me. I just sighed.

"Let's go somewhere else and talk i don't like it here it gives me chills"-Takemichi

"Haha i could tell that by your reaction earlier the way you literally begged me to not kill you Michi~ "-??

He said that with a playful smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes and strated walking ahead leaving him behind. He laughed and followed me behind.while saying

" Come on michi~ don't leave me behind~"-??

I stopped and glared at him. He just smirked at me and came towards me to hold my hand which he eventually did cuz this guy can't keep his hands to himself.

"Oh come on don't look at me liked that i am not that handsome michi~"-??

He said while looking towards me and smirking. I just rolled my eyes at him and he laughed again.

"Like hell Hanma you are not even close to what i call handsome"-Takemichi

"Yeah yeah like you weren't checking me out awhile ago Michi~"-Hanma

He said that while raising his left eyebrow and smirking. I just looked away cuz i was too embarrassed to say anything back to him cuz he wasn't lying so i just started walking again but now with him by my side holding my hand.

"Oh my!~ are you blushing!? so i was right hah michi~"-Hanma

He teased me. I just ignored him and kept walking.

Time skip ----»»

After explaining everything to Hanma why i left, we hangout for a while and talked about what we are doing now. All though he seemed angry at first when i told him why i left he still kept his smiling face which was scary. We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes. He offered me to walk me home but i kept on refusing so he gave up and told me to call him if anything seems wrong.

When i reached the door of my and shinchin's apartment i checked the time and it was surprisingly 12:54am. I just mumbled to myself

"Time...sure goes by when you are having fun"-Takemichi

When i opend the door i was greeted by an overly concerned and worried shinchin. Then i remembered that i forgot to text shinchin about this damn now he would question the shit out of me.

As i was about to say something shinchin asked with an angry plus worried tone

"Why are you late...."-shinchin

I got chills down my spine i just looked away from him and said.

"I-i you see shinchin- i was- i"-Takemichi

I started stuttering trying to say where and why i was late but i wasn't able to cuz i am scared as fuck.

"You do know that i can't understand shit what you are trying to say Michi."-shinchin

He said looking dead into my eyes. At that moment i wished that Hanma should've've killed me right there when he dragged me into that dark alley atleast i would've avoided an Angry Shinchin.

I just excepted my faith. And was ready to die from the hands of shinchin.

He started coming towards me with an angry expression. I got scared and backed up a bit. I closed my eyes as i was ready to get beat up by him.

Suddenly i felt something hugging me. I peeked from my right eyes to see that shinchin had hugged me.

"I was so fucking worried about you Michi.... please don't do this to me ever again....."-Shinchin

He sad with a cracking voice. He was trying hard to not cry. I just smiled apologeticly and hugged him back.

"I swear i won't do something like this again shinchin please forgive me."-Takemichi

I said while patting his back slowly. It wasn't a big deal for me to come back late but it was for shinchin. Cuz i konw why its a big of a deal for him.

"I really thought you went missing.....cuz when i came home you weren't there. I started to panick.....cuz it wasn't like you at all to go somewhere without telling me."-Shinchin

" I am really sorry for worrying you shinchin i just ran into an old friend of mine.....i won't forget to tell you next time if something like this happens."-Takemichi

I suddenly felt his hug getting more tight and i knew why. Even tho it wasn't necessary for him to say it out loud i knew why he was being like this.

"I thought you would leave me just like them."-Shinchin

I just sighed and hugged him back. After a while he clamed down i told him about everything what had happened. He was worried as fuck when i told him about the dragging me to the dark alley part.

After telling him everything he just told me to introduce Hanma to him cuz he wanted to talk to the guy who made me come back so late at night. I said okay and then we went to sleep.

Nobody's POV:

What takemichi didn't notice was a guy. Who was following her from the moment she left her work place till she came back to her apartment complex he was following her from the very beginning. He stared at the building with an poker face.

" Till we meet again my Queen"-??

He said with an wide smirk on his face and walked away

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