8. Meeting them

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Takemichi's POV:

"Michi~  let's goo~"-shinchin

" Okay okay  let's go"-Takemich

Me and shinchin decided to go out to get some coffee since we have been busy unpacking our stuffs. We went to a near by  coffee shop since we didn't wanted to go too far.

We entered the coffee shop and ordered some coffee and cake when suddenly someone grabbed me by my shoulder and turned me around i was shocked. When i looked up to see who did it, it was a tall guy with black hair he was quite handsome   but he  was stranger who just grabbed me out of nowhere.

I looked at him carefully....he looked familiar. Then i realised it was Draken .  My eyes went wide i was too shocked to say something when he suddenly hugged me and said

"Stupid crybaby why tf did you suddenly disappeared.....you made us all so worried....i missed you...."-Draken

Something at that moment made me realize......no matter what i am , a boy or a girl , no matter what changes my body has they will never Treat me differently. They will never leave me.

I hugged him back. My tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Pfft--such a crybaby"-Draken

I couldn't see him but i knew he was smiling. Then i remembered if Draken is here then he is as well.

As soon as I realised that i started looking around for him and there he stood  with a confused look on his face he had grown  taller i could tell.....he has Black hair now. 

I looked at him and he looked at me i smiled at him with my tears running down my cheeks. His eyes widened as he realised who i am.  As i know he would never forget me cuz i am  his  one and only crybaby  friend.

He came towards us and told Draken-kun to step aside and he did i opend my arms with a smile and he hugged me ever so tightly. I soon felt something wet on my shoulder. I just giggled a bit and patted his back  gently.


Just as i called his name he hugged me even tighter as if i will runaway from him and never come back.


That's right i forgot i came with shinchin. I looked at him and he looked so confused  i wanted to laugh so badly  but i couldn't cuz the situation i am in is not the right time to laugh.

"I will explain everything later okay?…"-Takemichi

Shinchin just nodded and i gave him a smile.

Time skip ------››

Nobody's pov:

Everyone can see a guy who looks like he is  glued to the girl.

"Seriously  just what tf were you thinking  takemichi"-Draken

Takemicchi was looking down and said.

"I know it wasn't the right thing to just disappear but i couldn't think of anything at that time and i was hella  scared if you guys would still be friends with me....."-Takemichi

"Still  atleast you could've talked with us first "-Draken

Draken said looking at takemichi. He saw that the girl was avoiding eye contact.  Then he made the girl look at him by grabbing her chin and turning her face towards  him. He then sigh and said

"No matter what you are a guy or a girl you will always be the same crybaby we all like.....you understood that?!"-Draken

Takemicchi was a little taken a back but she smiled Brightly and nodded her head. Draken smiled a bit and creased her cheeks with his thumb.


Draken blushed and removed his hands from takemichi's face and looked at shinchin and Mikey which were giving him a weird look.  Mikey   was jealous and it showed on his face. While shinchin was just looking at him up and down with a blank face.

Mikey then turned to takemichi and asked

"Ne takemicchy.....now that you are back  when will you meet with the others.....??"-mikey

"....ummm.....to be honest i don't know.....i wasn't even planning on meeting you two yet...."-Takemichi said  looking down.

"Then how about we go and meet them today ??"-Mikey

Draken and shinchin looked at him with a concern face while thinking [ why is he  so dumb ]

Takemicchi thought for a while and said

"If it's not a bother for you two then can....i??"-Takemichi

Later then Draken called everyone at The coffee shop and they came. When they asked who the girl was that Mikey was hugging and refused to leave.

"Is she your girlfriend or something "-Baji

Takemicchi blushed a little when baji called her mikeys girlfriend while Mikey looked at baji with a very happy looked at said soon to be but takemichi didn't heard him.

Then later Draken told them who she is and everyone couldn't believe it. They were too shocked . Chifuyu was the first one who went and hugged her tightly and cried soon they all also joined and hugged her.

It doesn't matter to them if takemichi is a girl or a boy they will care for him no matter what . But now one think is sure......their feelings for her will grow more ......

Time skip----------»

Takemicchi's POV:

As soon as we entered our apartment  shinchin started asking what was going on there why were guys from no where coming and hugging me and why was i crying and so on......i answered every single one of those questions.

"No wonder the name actually suits you Michi"-shinchin

"What name?"-Takemichi

"Crybaby....now that i think of it you were crying when we first met too"-shinchin said  with a playful smirk

But when he saw i was coming towards him he ran towards his room and locked the door. And laughed inside.

Nobody's POV:

When takemichi and shinchin left Mikey asked Draken about the guy who was with takemicchi

"Ne ken-chin who was that guy with Takemicchy?"-Mikey

"I don't know but now that you mentioned him  he was there when i first saw her too"-Draken

"To be honest they looked quite close to eachother...."-mitsuya

Mitsuya said with a clam tone even tho he is not happy to see someone so close to someone he likes  he had to stay clam.

"I guess we will have to ask partner about him....."-Chifuyu

Some where in a corner a guy can be seen smoking  while staring at the picture he took a while ago.

"You sure have become more beautiful  michi~"-???

Thanks for reading ^^

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