3.The untold feelings

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No ones  POV:

Mikey and others are still searching for their crybaby. They believe he is somewhere in Tokyo. They won't give up this easily.

Chifuyu POV:

It's been a week since takemichi went missing....or disappeared...we have been trying to find him or atleast get in contact with him but there is no sign of him.

"Just where are you partner..."-chifuyu

Mikey's POV:

It's been a week  since Takemichy disappeared. I was pretty sure he will come back. But now I have come to realise that he won't......

I had so many things i want to do with him.

The day i thought of telling him How I felt about him.  He disappeared as if he was never there to begin with.

Ken-chin was sad and worried too. I  know he won't admit it himself that he had growing feelings for takemichy to.

At first i  was not sure if the thing i am assuming is true or not but i confirmed it when he rejected
Emma .

Emma sure was heartbroken but she saw it coming. She knew ken-chin didn't saw her as a love interest but as a little sister instead. But she just wanted to get rid of the feelings.

I was a little angry when i heard ken-chin rejected her. But  i can't force him to be with her too. I might be an idiot but i won't force my best friend to be with my sister.

*Sigh* " just where did takemichy go....i want to meet him"- Mikey

"We all do Mikey "-Draken

I turned and looked at him he looked tired.

"I asked his school friends they didn't knew where he was either"-Draken

"Ne ken-chin..."-mikey

"Don't call me that"-Draken

I rolled my eyes at him he had an tic mark on his forehead.  I ignored it continued talking

"Should we stop searching for him and just wait for him to come back.... -mikey

He was a little shocked  he asked me

"What are you saying....are you sure you are Mikey?! The man child with no brain!? It's so unlikely of you...."-Draken

I was offended by that but it's true it  was  unlikely  of me to say that.

"But are you sure...about not wanting to find him....."-Darken

He had an uneasy expression.

"Hmm....i am not but something is telling me that my Michi will be here soon"-Mikey

No ones POV:

Draken looked at Mikey with a glare and Mikey just smiled at him

After a few minutes of silence Draken just agreed on it and went home. After all what else can he say to Mikey once he has made up his mind on something .

Draken has been with Mikey enough to know how  stubborn he can be so he just left.

He soon told everyone who were searching for takemichy to stop.

But there were some people who went insane by the news of Hanagaki Takemichi's sudden disappearnce.  They  weren't happy by the news at all they wanted to go and find takemichi and keep him with them forever.

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