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TW: Child Abuse, Violence, Major Character Death  

Scott sat down in the swivel chair by his desk, his pen to the paper and watched as the blue hue spread into a small circle on the page, yet no words were written. Scott didn't have them. He wanted to write about the color blue, the ocean, how deep and mysterious it was and the beauty of swimming in it until you were lost and struggling to find your way back. He wanted to write about melodies that soared through the air and took you to safety and happiness. Thoughts of true love flooded his mind the way it makes you feel alive and real. Like you're invincible and nothing could ever hurt you. He threw the pen onto the desk and placed his head in his hands, tears welling into his eyes in frustration. Then he felt a gentle hand on his back causing him to flinch away.

"Scott come on, your mom is downstairs waiting on us. We have to leave man," Stiles said softly and helped his best friend up from the chair, frowning seeing the state of him.

Scott didn't reply as he made his way to the car. He ignored the pitiful looks he got as he sat in the backseat. He looked down and on the floorboard he saw a balled up hoodie with Lahey 14 printed in vinyl on the back. He scooped it up from the floor and cradled it in his arms. He laid his head on the window, soft tears fell down his face as he closed his eyes and got lost in his thoughts.

The look on Isaac's face was ingrained into Scott's mind when he suggested he should run away and move in with him. The soft shock and almost terror sent chills through Scott's spine. However, Scott felt he had no other choice. The bruises never stopped, the whimpering and wincing at each little touch didn't stop and Scott couldn't take it anymore. He wanted his boyfriend to be safe and so they planned it out, they would leave three nights from then. During the week Isaac would inconspicuously take all of the things he loved and wanted to keep out of the house and move it into Scott's. The plan was flawless.

Two days before Isaac was said to move in completely and Scott hadn't seen Isaac at all. He let his thoughts get the best of him and shot him a text. He was trying to limit the amount of messages they sent each other or how often they talked in the halls of the school. The worry however, was too much for Scott to bear, especially when the situation was so delicate.

[ Hey, checking in. I haven't seen you all day and I am worried about you < 3 ] he sent with his bottom lip tucked into his teeth and the phone hidden slightly under the desk.

[I'm okay darling, just a bit under the weather today. The plan is still a go I promise < 3 I love you]

Scott read over the message and smiled to himself. He should have known there was nothing to worry about.

The day had come and Isaac still hadn't been at school. The worry came back despite the constant texts he received from his boyfriend. The ticking of the clock seemed neverending as he waited for class to end. When the shrill bell rang he exited class and walked down the dreary hallway, rain was never a good thing in Beacon Hills, it made the atmosphere of the entire town eerie and sad. He checked the time and for any new messages from Isaac. He glanced toward Coach Lahey's office and saw the lights off which was unusual for this time of day, the pool was indoors and it made sense for practice to still be on despite the rain. Being the nosey boy he was, he approached the office and peeked inside, it appeared as if no one had been in it all day and his blood ran ice cold.

Scott arrived at the Lahey household, the rain pelted against the window of his car. The rough pelting of the rain on his car only made his anxiety increase, his foot pressed the pedal harder as he sped to the Lahey residence. The street lamps passed in a blur as the dark clouds loomed overhead. He almost missed the house due to how fast he was going, he slammed his foot onto the brakes skidding into the driveway as he shoved the gear shift into park. He slung the door open, not bothering to shut the door or even take the keys from the ignition.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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