i really dont like it when you don't listen~thiam

33 1 0

Type: Smut

Ship: Theo x Liam

Top: Liam 

Content Warnings: sex XD


Theodore Raeken hated pack meetings. Everyone had long gotten over their fear of Theo. They trusted him to an extent. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that every single pack meeting made Liam ignore him the entire time. If there was one thing Theo hated more than pack meetings, it was being ignored by Liam. He was ignored most of his childhood; it made sense he yearned for attention. Theo reached for Liam's hand under the table and was happy when the other held it back. A soft smile flashed upon his face. The only thoughts in his mind were Liam, not the hunters coming in from out of town, not the fact they needed to be on guard just in case they ended up being untrustworthy. Only Liam Dunbar, he thought of Liam's eyes, the soft baby blue that made his mind go static, especially when Liam gave him puppy dog eyes; the thoughts wandered to his smile, well not even his smile but his lips in general, he thought of the way they melted against him, how beautiful they were bruised and swollen from making out, thought of the way a soft Theo would escape when he wanted to take things further. He got so lost in thought he had almost forgotten he was at Derek's stupid loft sitting around his kitchen table.

"Theodore!" Liam hugged and slapped his shoulder, this snapped Theo at of his blissful thinking. He knew when Liam said his full first name he was in trouble. He looked around the table at everyone else and then at Liam.

"Do not Theodore me! I didn't do anything wrong!" He grumbled out at his lover. He already did not want to be here in the first place. The least they could do was let him daydream in peace.

"You weren't listening, were you?"Stiles rolled his eyes, Stiles was still a bit on guard to Theo and rightfully so.

"I will punch you," Theo said grumpily and crossing his arms, "can someone tell me exactly what I missed that has Stiles and Liam's panties in a twist. It's not like I was a willing or active participant in this conversation! You all were talking I was minding my own-" "Theo, we were trying to ask you if you wanted to come patrolling with me tonight to make sure nothing was going on drawing the hunters to beacon hills." Liam said, taking a deep breath.

"That is a stupid question, Why would you even ask that? Why is it even important right now? Why is any of this even important right now? We could handle this when something actually goes wrong or a threat is posed but you all would rather sit around and chit chat about something that isn't even happe-"

"Truck, now." Liam said glaring over at Theo.

"No! And will you stop cutting me off? It's really starting to pi-"

"I said truck, now Theodore!" Liam said in a tone that made Theo shut the fuck up instantly. Theo knew what that tone meant, he needed to get his ass in the truck. But something else creeped up inside him, a devilish smirk appeared on his face.

"No!" he said again, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at Liam, "And don't you dare cut me off again you know I hate that shit."

"Theo, you have exactly 3 seconds to get in the truck. One-" Liam started

"Ooooooo Theo got in trouble!" Stile's teased him. This genuinely bothered Theo, it was cute when Liam did it but the second Stiles did it it made him grumpy.

"I'm going because I don't wanna deal with that," he pointed to Stiles (which earned him an angry yet amused glare from Derek). He stood from his seat and went to the truck his keys left on the table.

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