is it love?(A.F)

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Tw: obsessive behaviour,possessive behaviour,amber is bad in this grr,kidnapping,murder,knifes

Ambers view:
I have y/ns schedule completely memorised god how i wanted her,my heart ached for her one day i will have her,at night i fantasise i was the only woman in her life she interacted with,the first girl she kissed,talked to,loved,first lover,first everything,i planned out our marriage,our kids names the normal,my obsession grew stronger as the days went past, i wanted to have her all to myself how great would that be?

My love grew stronger,a blade ran across the neck of dana "too bad dana you crossed the line y/ns mine bitch" blood splattered everywhere god such a mess.i cleaned up,the body,the room,
I put the body in a bag just like the rest resting it under a grave in a cemetery,arent i the smartest

I drove back home my phone buzzed i stopped the car slowly as i picked it up 'my y/n<3' i got mad at myself for not picking up sooner 'pls pick me up ambs plspls?' 'Course love' 'TYTY im at tys party! Cya! Love you!!!!!!' 'See you love you to!' I smiled at the message i drove just a little over the speed limit to tylers house i didnt like him ive wanted to kill him for a long while now but y/ns proven him to be important enough to not be dead yet atleast,

"Hi ambs! I got out of the car hugging y/n god i love her,she went in the car "i wanna sleep in your house tonight amber" "of course dear" "thank youu" i smiled heat rising up to my cheeks as i focused on the road...once we got to my house i was incredibly sleepy so y/n kinda semi carried me to the bed,i layed down on y/n  i missed her so much "i missed youu" i said in a sing songy tone "i missed you more" y/n spoke kissing my head her thumb rubbing my back "im so sleepy goodnnightt" "night amber" y/n spoke smoothly making me fall right asleep

Once i woke y/n was still asleep,i was still hugging her figure i didnt let go at all last night didnt i? Well why would i someone couldve stole her from me if anyone would dare i would torture then until they beg for- "amber!! "What is it n/n? "Lets go get coffee later" "sure" i say yawning,i stayed in bed with y/n for atleast another 45 minutes until she woke up,worth it i would give anything to spend my life with her honestly.

"Come on! Y/n said still sleepy,as she grabbed my arm to the kitchen "ok ok! I said as my grin widened,she looked so beautiful in my arms,she cooked a breakfast made for two and set in on the table,my favorite breakfast was one she made "your such a good cook" i smiled "thanks amber! We ate peacefully,but y/ns phone buzzed, i slightly jump at the sudden noise "sorry" y/n spoke softly before,answering the call "hi? Oh hey zach" "uhm no im at ambers? "What? "No zach i wont come" my jaw tightened as i,clenched my fist into a ball,my rage seeping through my teeth as i hear this conversation go on for what seems to be forever "god fuck off zach! Y/n semi screamed ending the call "god amber im sorry" "no no its fine" i spoke,i imagined so many ways to just kill that dude,like how dare he take HER attention from me?

"I gotta go thanks for letting me stay love you! "Yeah love you to" i smiled,ok now that dickhead better be dead,i checked y/ns insta checking if  there was any dude with the name 'zach' and there was zach puden such a pussy ass name,i saw he lived close to the park,i saw he was scared for snakes perfect,i went to my room,going to my snakes inclosure,i called to Vivien as she slithered closer to my arm,"i need to kill this puden dude and your gonna scare the shit out of him first ok? Vivien stuck her tongue out saying ot me yes

She likes when i feed her the victims

    Skip  to  night  time

I stalk zach as he looked around for y/n "y/n? I set vivien down pointing to zach,vivien slithered her way to him "SHIT FUCK! he screamed like a girl he bumped into me perfect "your messing with y/n? You mess with me" i say before shooting him in the head as i sliced it off "fucking pussy" i say kicking his head somewhere,i kneel down cutting his fingers off putting them in a bag,as i clean myself off grabbing vivien heading off to my car

I sat down taking off the costume, it was really hot in it,i should clean it,i drove to my house smiling at my successful kill whats not to love? I go to my room planting a finger in viviens inclosure,as i slowly put her back in it,i miss y/n already anything for her really anything! I'd die for her,kill for her infact i did! I sat in my bed thinking about y/n,how her lips felt,when her body collides with me,i turned on the news seeing "a new body found just a young boy called Zach Puden,found in a lake near by a neighborhood we have asked many if they heard anything,aswell as his head is sliced clean off,and a gunshot wound on his head was also found we have no evidence on who or what the killer could be,but every single person has been tied with y/n l/n a high school girl,we think maybe this might be a stalker of some sorts,so be warned if you are alone at night this ghostface is well weaponed aswell,tune in next time"

Wow they already found him? Crazy i guess i gotta be more careful..


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