Chapter 8

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April 1891

It had been months since mine and Sebastian's last conversation. Every time I would see him in classes, walking through the hallways or in the Slytherin common room he would simply turn away or avert his eye contact. It hurt me that he was so upset over what had happened. After a while I became accustomed to him ignoring me, but I was still curious to know why he hated Julian so much. After all, the reason he was refusing to talk to me was because he thought that Julian had known about my ability before him. It was like Sebastian went through his life thinking that it was some kind of competition against Julian.

Over the coming months there were more dark wizard and goblins sightings throughout the highlands. Ranrok's reach was only growing stronger and thanks to our confrontation with the small group of wizards in the Forbidden Forrest, I was now the target of a wizard that they called Rookwood. Julian told me what little was known about the man, but it still shocked me.

"He's psychotic," Julian said, "He has one of the largest poaching rings in the country and I'd wager, more than enough skeletons in his closet." Since he had been cursed with Crucio I had visited him in the hospital wing as much as I could. I felt guilty that he was the one who had to endure the torture of that spell at the hands of men who were only after me. He was discharged after a few days and wanted to keep researching my ability even more. I however, had become wary of it. I had seen the damage that could be done if I let my anger get the better of me in the heat of battle. True, it was handy to be able to kill three enemies at once, without having to use an Unforgivable Curse, but my magic felt static and unpredictable. That scared me.

I had spoken with Natty shortly before the Christmas holidays. I'd learnt a lot about her throughout our classes together. Her mother was the Professor of Divination at Hogwarts and they had moved to the UK shortly before Natty's fourth year. She was fearless, explaining how she was eager to graduate so she could become an Auror and defend the wizarding world against dark wizards and the like. A true Gryffindor mindset.

It was during one particulier Herbology lesson, that truly I felt as if I was truly cursed. Professor Garlick was passionately lecturing our class on the benefits of Dittany leaves and their extensive healing properties when I heard the doors to enter the Greenhouses open. A few students, myself included, turned to see who it was. Ominis stood at the entrance, as usual, holding his wand in front of his face to navigate his way.

"Mr Gaunt," Professor Garlick stated gleefully at the sight of Ominis, "What can I do for you my dear?"

"I'm terribly sorry to intrude Professor but I've been asked to collect and escort a student from your class."

Everyone began whispering, hushed calmy by Professor Garlick. She smiled at Ominis before asking, "Of course. Which student do you need?"

I watched Ominis as his face turned slightly grey. He was nervous.

"Georgiana Stone."

Of course.

I sighed as students began their mumbled whispers once again. I rose from my stool and began to collect my books, stuffing them into my satchel. I ascended the stairs to the door that Ominis stood in front of, hearing Garlick call out after me in her sweet and high pitched voice, "If you don't return before the end of class remember to write six pieces on the uses of Dittany!"

I walked with Ominis by my side out of the Greenhouses. Despite Sebastian's indifference towards me, he had remained one of my closest confidants often studying with me whenever we had assignments from our shared classes. Right now however, Ominis was anxious, walking at a fast pace through the castle.

I identified the route that were were taking, realising that he was leading me towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower.

"You mustn't hold this against him, Georgiana." Ominis said suddenly as we walked up the back stairs through the tower. I turned my head to look at him, confused at his statement.

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