Chapter 17

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I sat cross legged on the bed, leaning against the barred frame at the head of it.

Julian was perched once again, sat with his legs hanging off the side. Nurse Blainey had tended to his wounds, various cuts and dark purple bruises were now carefully bandaged around his upper body. All I could do to keep my sanity in check, was to avoid looking at him. Therefore, my gaze was directed to the large circular glass window, looking over the courtyard. It was raining heavily, more than I'd ever seen it rain before.

We had not exchanged a word for at least an hour. Instead, we sat in silence, awaiting the return of Fig, the other Professors and hopefully, Sebastian. The only sound that rang through the wing, was the raindrops hitting the stained glass in quiet patters.

"You shouldn't have come after me."

The words left my mouth quicker than my brain could comprehend. I did not know how Julian would respond to that sentence, I honestly did not believe that he would at all.

He sighed, as he usually would before he was about to say something logical.

"I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I hadn't." he said, his head still hanging down.

I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking out the rain and the courtyard, letting the darkness engulf my vision. I took a few moments to consider what he had said before I replied.

"Why was Sebastian with you?" I whispered, refusing to open my eyes.

"We formed a sort of uneasy alliance." He was trying to be vague, perhaps to shelter me from the truth.

"That's not a proper answer." I said.

I heard shuffling, and the weight of the mattress was shifting around underneath me.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Georgiana."

"The truth," I finally opened my eyes and shot a harsh look at him, "I want the truth."

His position had changed, leaning back with one hand on top of the mattress and his body twisted so that he could face me.

"He was looking for you in the common room," Julian began, "I bumped into him after I found your letter. Apparently he had wanted to visit his sister with you. He snatched the note and demanded that he would come with me to try and find you. Wouldn't let me out of his sight."

I held my hand up to my forehead and held it there for a few seconds. Of course Sebastian would force his way into a dangerous situation without thinking of the potential consequences. At this point, I was regretting leaving a note for Julian.

"I saw Anne." I stated.

I watched Julian's eye shift in their sockets, darting around my face. Maybe he was trying to call a bluff.

"What do you mean?"

"I went to speak with her before I arrived at Rookwood's castle. Spoke to her about her curse. And Sebastian's obsession with finding her a cure. She's convinced that nothing can be done." I said, removing my palm from my face and letting it drop onto my knees.

Julian nodded slowly.

"He still doesn't know about the goblin's magic? What I told you?" I asked, remembering my revelation from days ago.

"No. I said nothing to him." Julian stated clearly, shaking his head. It was evident that he was telling the truth.

"Good." I was stuck with what to say next. For the first time ever, I didn't know how to speak to Julian.

Silence fell over us again, replaced with the familiar drops of the windy and wet weather outside the castle walls.

I moved my gaze to Ominis, still asleep on the opposite side of the wing. I wondered what he was dreaming about. And I wished that I could take his place. Take his pain away from him.

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