The Guys Get High Off Their Asses

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"Are the girls asleep?"

All heads turned toward the source of the voice. The waves were calm, approaching five pairs of toes before shying away back to the ocean with a gentle ebb. The moon was high, hopefully, not as much as they were about to be.

Blake's question was yet to be answered as he took off his jacket, laying it on the sand next to Asher.

"Yes," Ian answered. He was sitting next to Bryce, who was using him as a human radiator. "Did you get the stuff?"

Blake nodded, holding out a black plastic bag hidden behind his back. The others made varying noises of approval, including Asher, who took a lot of convincing from Ian this morning before he agreed to be a part of the session.

"Let me see," Bryce beckoned, wrapping Ian's jacket tighter around his shoulder as he peeked inside the plastic. He dipped his nose close enough to the contents before letting out a satisfied hum. "Oh fuck yeah."

Emery, who was the only person besides Asher that has never done this sort of thing before, joined in curiously, his eyes wild with excitement. "Refresh my memory, why aren't Cate and Allison allowed to be here?"

Cameron loosened his hold on the redhead's hand and spoke at the same time as Asher, "'Cause she's a big tattletale."

As everyone giggled, Blake waved his hands in the air impatiently before rummaging through the bag. "You guys keep talking and I'll go through these things faster than Nicki Minaj looking for someone to beef with."

Blake reached into his pockets for a lighter, his fingers wrapping tightly around it as he flicked it to life. The small flame flickered in front of his face as he brought the joint to his lips, inhaling deeply as he lit its tip. Blake exhaled a thick plume of smoke, the smell filling the air around them before quickly fading with the rush of saltwater air.

Ian moaned as the scent reached his nose. "Hello, Mama."

"For the record, I stand with Nicki," Bryce muttered.

"Same," Blake mumbled back.

Ian effortlessly lit the joint in his hand and then used it to light Bryce's. As they waited for the flame to catch, Ian gently held Bryce's jaw. They exchanged a smile, and Bryce leaned in to kiss Ian before they both took a drag, pressed together, savoring in each other's smoke and each other.

Meanwhile, Cameron looked worried.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Emery nodded, not taking his eyes off the lighter in his best friend's hand. When his turn came, Cameron watched, making sure that his boyfriend wasn't hurting himself or accidentally lighting his hair on fire.

Unsurprisingly, Emery's first hit resulted in a coughing fit, which resulted in Cameron rubbing his back ten to twenty times before he finally recovered. It wasn't as embarrassing as his second one, in which he forgot how to blow the smoke back out, which then resulted in his boyfriend rubbing his back another ten to twenty times before he decided to give it a rest.

"God, this doesn't say much about your gag reflex, does it?" Ian said, drawing his own circles below Cameron's hand, on the small of his best friend's back.

Emery's eyes blew wide open while Cameron kept his reaction quiet, smiling to himself as he took the joint from Emery's fingers. Ian continued to make fun of his best friend's inability to smoke pot, but eventually, he and Cameron managed to teach Emery how to do it properly without looking like an asthmatic dumbass.

Meanwhile, Blake's joint had already eaten half of itself. He didn't seem any different yet, taking a drag and smirking when he felt curious eyes on him. He turned to Asher, white smoke coming out of his mouth as he asked, "Do you even know how to smoke?"

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