Beach Volley... Among Other Things: Inside Cameron's Mind

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On My Way to You, Chapter 13 Exclusive

"Yeah, Cate said something about that. Blake was digging up the entire house for a ball."

Cameron found himself speaking out of control. This wasn't like him: talking way too much. Laughing too much. He was never a fan of saying things about himself to other people other than his family. But it wasn't half bad — this wasn't half bad — for some reason. Emery listens not like the others, and he managed to be one of the few people Cameron can talk to without having to drain his social battery. 

He could dare and say that Emery is the only person on this trip that could make it brim with energy, a matter of fact Cameron can't get himself to explain without his mind imploding in itself.

"We played a lot as kids, and Cate's a sore loser," he muttered, not noticing that Emery's focus was starting to float away. "She's a devil incarnate."

Cameron chuckled, feeling a sense of awkwardness simmer inside him. After talking to his sister, something felt off about being near Emery. It was almost as if he was nervous, for a lack of better word.

"How about you?"

Two seconds after asking the question, Cameron realized that Emery wasn't paying any attention to him.



Finally, he decided to turn to his side, and found the redhead staring ahead. Cameron tried again, "Do you?"

Emery blinked. "Do I what?"

Cameron opened his mouth, but the words got caught when he decided to take a look at what had caught Emery's interest. He wasn't sure what that sinking feeling that fell on his shoulder was when he saw what he saw, but he can say for sure that sucked out all the comfort for the rest of his day.

Lucas stood a few feet ahead of them, laughing like he owns the world.

. . . . .

Lucas is talking way too close to him.

It bothered Cameron every time Emery joked around with Lucas as if he couldn't imagine Emery doing that with anyone but himself. Throughout the game, he missed like a million chances to hit the ball because he was too focused on Lucas' hands always finding their way to Emery. Whether it was on his shoulders, or the top of his head, or his elbow, it didn't matter. Cameron wanted to make it stop.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" his sister said as she tapped him on the back as if trying to wake him up. She laughed, breathless from jumping and running. "You look like you're fighting in war or something."

After that, Cameron refused to think about it further. It clicked then. This was Cate again, her words somehow managing to manifest in his thoughts.

So instead, he decided to shrug it off and focus his attention on Asher and Blake. They were bickering like they always do, and at the moment, it seemed like a good place to direct all his unexplained frustrations to.

"Blake, just get in here and stop yappin.'"

Cameron proceeded to play the game like a good sport, or so he thought, unaware of the sheer amount of force he was putting on smacking the ball to the other side of the net.

. . . . .

What kind of a schmuck play was that?

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