Part 7: His Son

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Childe POV:

As I stood up after crying my eyes out. The alpha was now standing up. A knock came to the door "Come in!" The door opened to see and different woman. "Show this ginger around the place so he doesn't get lost." He said with an emotionless face but still pissed off tone.

I was now looking down, feeling embarrassed being on the floor and being shouted at the first few minutes I've seen my boss. This isn't going to be easy.

"Ok, sir." She bowed and walked out of the room.

I followed her and closed the door. "I'm sorry that you got yelled at. I think Zariah should have told you the do or don't when it comes to our boss." She started talking as we were walking down the halls of empty rooms.

"It's ok, I don't mind I get yelled at all the time so it doesn't bother me," I said still looking down. She stop walking and I bumped into her. I looked up she had a sad look on her face.

"That still doesn't mean it's right..." She said with a hushed tone. After a moment of silence, she cleared her throat and continued showing me around the mansion.

An hour later.

We were now in front of a baby room it looks like. She open the door and I saw a small child in the room. The baby looked just like the boss but much cuter and softer than the manly and muscular man.

"This is the child you will have to be taking care of now." She said with a smile.

We walked into the room and the child noticed our presence and ran towards the lady her name is Leyla.

"Lelay!, who is this man?" He said in the cutest voice. I think my Inter omega melted when I heard his voice and how cute he is.

"This is your new babysitter." She said it in such a sweet tone. I don't know but both of them have such a strong connection, it's so cute. I don't know but it's just adorable.

"Awww, that's good 'cause that lady was so mean!" He said that and then looked at me "Are you going to be mean mister?" I was surprised cause I didn't think he would talk to me, I guess I'm talking to a smart kid for how he doesn't stable on his words as I would think, he's four right?

"No, I would never be mean to such a handsome young boy." I smile and walked closer to him and when to this eye level as I bend down in a squat position. I rub his head and he gave back a huge smile.

I don't know why he smiled that way but I think he likes having his head rubbed. Noted.

He hugged me, I almost lost my balance but still hugged him back. I fell on my ass but I didn't mind, being in this cute little guy's arms is all I'm thinking about.

Leyla cleared her throat "I will leave everything you have to do in the kitchen tomorrow morning since this is your first day, the boss let you take a rest today since the flight here had to be tiring." I gave her a nod and then went through the door without a sound.

Now that she mentioned rest, I was feeling really tired right now and should leave but what should I do about this little man?

"My name is Chili and I'm four years old!" He said with a bright smile again when he pulled back from the hug

"My name is Childe and I'm 19." He tilted his head a little bit, saying he was confused by something that I said.

"Your name is child!?!" He said in an awfully loud but happy tone "So you are a child just like me??" I think he got it mixed up with a child and "Childe" I think I should've saw that coming.

"No sweet it it's Childe with an e at the end. Does that clear up your confusion?" He nodded his head and ran back to the toys he was playing with before we entered.

"Mr. Childe, can you please play with me and my toys?" He said with excitement in his eyes. I did want to rest and I've been up for more than 14 hours.

"No, I can't I want to" He gave me the most sad and pleading puppy dogs he could give to me. I sighed and went over to him to play with him. He squealed and jumped up and down.

I think that he'll be easy for the most part since he's smart. I don't know but I hope this whole just is just a breeze.

(802 words)

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