Part 8: Happy thoughts

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Childe POV:

It's been a week since I've been Chili's babysitter and it's been going well.

He's an easy kid to look after and I thank myself for reading those stuff online beforehand cause I wouldn't know wtf to do. Anyway me and Chili are now in the pool and I'm in the pool with him on his floaty. Then my phone begins to ring.

I grab Chili to get him out of the pool and to get my phone. "Why did we have to get out of the pool ~ I was having so much fun!" He started to whine. That's his habit when he doesn't get what he wants and I'm trying to get him out of that.

"Chili you'll have to wait, I'm getting a phone call. If it's your dad he might want to know if you're doing okay." I said to him sternly and he just whimpered and sat by the pool until I'm finished.

Sure enough, it was his father checking up on him. He's been doing it every day since I've been babysitting him. Zariah said that he has trust issues with who takes care of his child and does this with everyone one of his babysitters, He video calls. I don't mind because it shows how much of a good father he is.

I pick up the video call and turn the camera to Chili. "Your dad wants to see you!" I said with a smile on my face. Chili turned around and came running towards my phone "Wait! You gotta dry your hands first. He then ran towards the towel and raised his hands to grab my phone. He isn't really than taller me neither am I. I stand 5'5 and he's around 3'1 I think I'm a little too short for my age.

I turned the camera to face him so his father can look at him "Are you by the pool my son? Did it accompany you in the pool?" He asked in a sweet tone. I guess he's only soft when it comes to his son. Whatever not like I care, I just care about the cutest boy I have right in front of me. But did he just call me an It!?

"Yes, I'm doing well Daddy! And Mr. Childe let me in the pool and played with me in it. I love him, Dad, can we keep him forever?" He asked his dad as he used his usual puppy dog eyes, he's so cute and I wish I can just kidnap him and carry him back home.

"Yes, you can keep him forever son but I have to go back to work. Now kiss me." I was just sitting when they were talking, watching him, he kissed my phone and then said bye to his father, gosh is he so cute?

"Are you done with the phone now? Are you hungry, sleepy?" I asked as I took the phone from him.

"Mhm, I'm really hungry right now, can I please get a cupcake from you plssssss~" He did his puppy dog eyes again. He knows how to make me do something for him. He isn't supposed to eat unhealthy food because his father doesn't like him eating sweets of any kind but I've been giving him them and he loves them so why not...

"Ok, but you can only get one 'cause you don't want your dad finding out do we?" I said in a teasing way.

"Nope! Cause dad doesn't like me eating sweets so I'll clean up real good this time!" He said as he ran back into the house because he was able to eat something sweet today.

I chuckled to myself as I go into the kitchen. Chili was already sitting down and patting his head and he squealed. I poked his chubby cheeks then went into the kitchen where I found Zariah cooking dinner as it was almost 6 in the evening.

"Hey Zariah," I said to get her attention. She looked back and gave me a small smile "Could I possibly get a cupcake from the pantry again?" I said.

" you're giving another cupcake to Mr. Chili again?" My eyes opened wide as I didn't know she knew about me sneaking treats into Chili. I looked away not giving eye contact.

"Yeah...he said he's hungry and said he wanted a cupcake..." I said slyly as I looked down feeling embarrassed being caught so easily.

She chuckled "Don't worry, it's fine don't worry I'm not going to tell a soul." She said giving me a smirk. I smiled at her and hugged her

"Thanks." She hugged me back and went into the pantry and came back a few seconds later and gave me the cupcake. " I'll make sure to pay you back for this!" I said as I went back to Chili, he was currently playing with his fingers. When he looked up his eyes widen and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr.Childe!" He got out of his seat and hugged me giving me kisses on my leg. I laughed and put the cupcake on the table.

"Before you get the cupcake. You gotta get a bath and change your clothes." He pouted and ran up the stairs. I laughed at how cute he is and went following him close behind him.

A few hours later...

I and Chili were now in his room playing with cars and robots. I heard a loud voice downstairs, it's his father. I roll my eyes to myself. "Chili we have to clean up, your dad is here and probably wants to see you." He nodded, and we started to clean up quickly.

When we were finished I picked Chili into my arms and walked downstairs to his father.

When we got downstairs, I put him down and he ran to his father who picked him up in a swift motion. "So how was my brave little knight doing up so late at night?" He said smiling at him but then gave me a harsh side-eye.

"Nothing Daddy. I was just playing with Mr.Childe and I think we played too much." He said with so much energy. I think that cupcake did something to him since I couldn't get him to sleep. Well, shit.

"Mhm ok but you're going to have to sleep now." He said sternly. I felt bad for Chili but I can't do anything about it. Chili just nodded he lay his chin on his father's shoulder. "Take him to his room. I need to talk to you." He gave me cold eyes. What's his deal today?

I went upstairs and put Chili to bed. "Have a good night Chili." I smile at him

"You too Mr.Childe and can you kiss my forehead, Daddy always does it." I was surprised but that wouldn't hurt. I kissed his forehead said goodnight and headed to his father's office.

(1155 words)

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