Chapter 3

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I walked toward my fifths period, gym, while trying to hold my breath. I don't know how or why but earlier this morning I started to smell everything. It was starting to annoy me. I could smell clone and perfume, both cheap and expensive. I could tell who took a shower and who didn't. I could smell the leather of those who got a ride and the smell of nature from those who walked to school. Another thing that was annoying me was being able to hear all these disgusting things that high school offers. The sound of people making out and the loud ringing of the bell hurt my ears badly. I could also feel anger growing inside me like a fire that might burst at any minute. As soon I was outside the gym I stopped, and got prepared for the smell of sweat and dirty clothes I knew would come. When I walked in the smell hit me like a sucker punch to the face, and I almost threw up. I mange to get to the lockers and change without a hassle and quickly got in line to wait for gym to begin. After a while I heard two pairs of sneakers behind me and I could smell two pleasant fragrances that I knew so well. I turned around and was greeted with a pair if "gets". First was Aaliyah who wore a pair of pink shorts with a white top and pink sneakers. Her skin was pale and she had bright hazel eyes with dark brown hair that had light brown at the bottom. Next to her was Cinthia who had tanned skin with chocolate brown eyes and dark (really) curly hair. She wore a black tank top with purple shorts and purple and grey sneakers. "What do you think were doing today?" Aaliyah asked as turned her head to try and look for a coach. "It better be something fun!" Cinthia exclaimed with a bored expression. "I think it'll be fun, if by fun you mean painful" I said while looking at a the two bags filled with dodge balls. They both turned to the balls and Aaliyah grimaced while a smile formed on Cinthia's face. "Yep, I think painful is the correct word" Aaliyah said with a frown. "What! It's not painful it's fun, I mean what's better than smacking someone in the face with a ball" Cinthia stated with a smile full of excitement. "I'm with Aaliyah on this one, this is going to suck" I said with my head down. -reee-reeee- the whistle blew loudly through the gym quieting all the students and making me cover my ears in pain. "Alright listen up, maggots!!!" Our coach, an
ex-military soldier, screamed. "Today were playing dodge ball the losers will have to write a five page essay for a final exam, and the winners will be graded on a basketball game." He said with a smirk. "I'll pick two captains for each team then they'll pick their team. Alright let's see here . . . . Uhh . . ", he said while he looked down at the clipboard that had our names on it, "I pick Cinthia" she walked up beside the coach faced the class, " and . . . Umm . . . Jonathan" Jonathan walked passed me and bumped me with his shoulder and sneered. We were enemies since middle school and that hasn't changed. Since Cinthia's one of the captains he knows I'll be in her team, and will be against each other.

5 minutes later . . . .

When both teams were chosen and the balls were set, the whistle was blown and the game began. People were careful in this game unlike the others before. Since no one wanted to write an essay and would rather play a game of basketball, both sides were trying really hard not to loose. During the match Aaliyah, Cinthia, and I sticked close together. While one took a shot at someone in the other side the other two covered them. This trick worked for a while until a ball came fast towards Aaliyah. It's like I could see everything go in slow motion as the ball went for her left leg. It hit so hard it made her loose balance and fall to the floor with a grimace. I turned back around and saw one headed straight to my face but everything was so slow that I just ducked. Then I heard a loud smack and I turned around to see Cinthia on her knees holding her stomach. I had my back turned but some how I knew a ball was coming my way so I instantly rolled to the side. A second later I heard the ball hit the wall with a loud smack. When I turned to the opposite side I saw Jonathan with anger over his face. That instant I knew he was the one that was throwing the balls at us. That moment that anger I felt earlier became like a bonfire, big and dangerous. In the middle of the game no one noticed how sharp my teeth became, how my finger nails became sharp, how black hairs darker than the nigh sky grew on my arms and hands, or how my eyes turned a glowing yellow. I didn't even notice my self as I walked to the front to try and take Jonathan out. Everything seemed slow and I felt fast and strong. I looked straight ahead without worry because somehow I could feel if a ball came in my direction. Before I saw him three balls came at me the first I blocked with the ball in my hand, the second I ducked under, and side stepped the third. When the kids moved to the side to find more balls to throw I saw him. He was going after a ball that was rolling away and as soon as he looked up I threw my ball. It went straight and fast hitting exactly where I wanted, right in his face. It hit so hard I could hear it over all the noise and I knew it was going to hurt. Even if it didn't, that fall to the floor would. My satisfaction was interrupted when a ball hit me in the stomach which brought me back to my senses. I looked down to my arms and hands and saw the nails and hair that grew. I then looked up to see Cinthia and Aaliyah on the benches. Aaliyah was holding an ice pack to her ankle and Cinthia was sitting back still holding her stomach. As soon as I saw that my anger fired up again but before I let myself do something stupid I ran out of the gym.


Jack ran to the back of the school that had a fence that separates the school from the forest. He ran straight to the fence at full speed. He didn't know what he was doing, it was just instinct. When he was close enough he jumped over the fence without thought. He landed on the other side on all fours and not even a second later black smoke engulfed him. Where Jack once stood now stands a wolf as big as a motorcycle and with fur as black as night. It's yellow eyes shining in the sun light as it stared in to the forest. It gave a loud growl and barked before it ran full speed into the forest, disappearing in the shadows.

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