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I took a deep breath and looked at my collection. The intestines, spleen, throat, tongue, liver, biceps, triceps, and body part muscles were all neatly stored in their respective jars. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find good specimens, but I had managed to take at least eight more victims. 

 All taken at different times, of course. I had to be extremely careful. No more bodies were left behind, no trace of evidence to lead the authorities back to me. I had to make sure that I wasn't careless in my actions. 

The authorities were beginning to catch on. Too many missing people and the body they had found, they deemed it serial murder. They had a serial killer in their hands, and they were getting closer to finding me. But I was a bit on edge, not afraid. 

 I had become skilled in the art of evading suspicion. I knew how to blend in, to make myself invisible. And without knowing it, Ava gave me all the information I needed to keep away from their sights. 

 "You know, I've heard that the police are getting close to finding the serial killer," she said one day as we sat in her living room, sipping tea. 

 "Oh really?" I replied nonchalantly.

 "Yes, apparently they have a suspect in mind. They're just waiting for the evidence to come in," Ava said, taking a sip of her tea. 

 I felt a jolt of fear run through my body, but I quickly suppressed it. "Well, I hope they catch the person soon. It's a terrible thing, what's been happening," I said, trying to sound sympathetic.

 Ava nodded in agreement, and we continued to chat for a while longer. But my mind was racing. I had to be more careful than ever now. I couldn't afford to slip up, not even once. 

 I continued my work, taking more victims as I needed them. The process of preservation was becoming second nature to me now. I knew exactly how to cut the body, which organs to remove, and how to store them properly. 

 The emotions I felt during the process were intense. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I made the first incision, the rush of excitement as I removed the organs, and the satisfaction of adding a new specimen to my collection. 

 But I also felt a sense of sadness and regret. These people had families, loved ones who were missing them. But I couldn't stop. I was addicted to the thrill of the kill, the rush of taking another life. 

 I had to keep going. I had to be careful, but I couldn't stop. My collection was growing, and I needed to preserve more parts before they started to rot. 

 And so I continued, taking more victims, carefully preserving their parts, and adding them to my collection. The authorities were getting closer, but I was always one step ahead of them. I knew how to avoid their traps, how to blend in, and how to keep myself invisible. 

 But deep down, I knew that my luck would eventually run out. The authorities were closing in, and I didn't know how much longer I could keep up this charade. But for now, I had my collection, and I would do anything to protect it.

I was exceeding on my plans and getting closer to my goal. I had taken at least eight more victims, all taken at different times. I was extremely careful, no more bodies were left behind. The authorities were beginning to catch on. Too many missing people and the body they had found, they deemed it serial murder. They had a serial killer in their hands. I was a bit on edge but not afraid. Without knowing it, Ava gave me all the information I needed to keep away from their sights.

But I couldn't shake Ava out of my mind. Her innocence and naivety were beginning to wear on me. I had not thought about Aunt Mary Lou for a while, and I missed her. Ava came and told me she was on leave. She planned a trip for us. I lied at work and was given leave as well. My work was made classified, and absolutely no one knew the work I was doing. Whenever I was interviewed, I made up a lie.

Me and Ava went to Belphlor City, where we had the most fun. We stayed at a hotel, partied all night and toured the city through the day. We stayed for two weeks. We had a lot of deep conversations. We spoke of Aunt Mary Lou.

"I miss her so much," I said to Ava as we walked along the beach. "She was the only person who ever understood me."

Ava looked at me with her big, innocent eyes. "Tell me more about her," she said.

"Aunt Mary Lou was my mothers aunt," I said. "She raised me from i was born. she made sure i did not have a hard life.she was the kindest person I ever knew. She always had a smile on her face, no matter what was going on in her life."

"I can see why you loved her so much," Ava said, putting her hand on my arm.

We spoke about her past, and I shared stories about her. We laughed and cried. It was the first time I had opened up to someone about Aunt Mary Lou, and it felt good.

"I feel as if we were fated souls," I said to Ava one night as we lay in bed.

Ava looked at me, and I could see the tears in her eyes. "I feel the same way," she said, and we kissed.

When we returned, it was all good. I went back to work, and Ava went back to work. One evening, I saw Valery walking past my house. She came to greet me.

"Hey, Valery," I said, surprised to see her.

"I'm back," she said, smiling. "I was home during the summer, but it was time I returned to my aunt's."

She began speaking obsessively again, and I could feel my temper rising.

"Valery, I need you to stop," I said firmly.

"What do you mean?" she said, looking confused.

"I mean that I don't want to hear any more of your nonsense," I said, my voice rising. "I don't want to hear about your 'feelings' for me, or anything else. It's over, Valery. I have moved on, and you need to do the same."

As she spoke, I could sense that she was becoming obsessive again. I couldn't let her ruin everything I had worked for. I shut her up once and for all this time, making sure that she wouldn't be able to cause any more problems for me. It was a necessary step, one that had to be taken if I was to achieve my goal.

 i took her to the lab, where i took her breasts and her reproductive organs.

The Queens family cried their hearts as they could not find poor Valery. Many assumed she ran off with some guy. I expressed my condolences but i really did not feel a little bit sorry. 

As I sat in my living room, staring blankly at the TV, I heard Ava's footsteps approaching. I turned around to face her, and she seemed a little tense. "Is everything okay?" I asked, trying to read her expression.

"Is it you?" she asked, her voice laced with tension.

"Is what me?" I replied, feeling puzzled.

"The DNA results came back from the maimed girl's scene, and they found brown hair. They're saying that your neighbor's niece is missing, and you were at the scene of the other dead girl," she explained, her eyes fixed on mine.

I felt the tension in the air growing thicker. "What are you trying to say, Ava?" I asked, feeling a little uneasy.

She hesitated for a moment, and then finally spoke. "Did you kill all those people?," she said, her voice full of concern.

I could feel my heart racing as I tried to process what she was saying. "I had nothing to do with any of this," I said, feeling the tension rise.

"But you were at the scene of one of the murders," she argued, her eyes fixed on mine.

"I was just passing by, Ava. I had nothing to do with it," I said, trying to convince her.

She didn't seem convinced. "Where's Valery?" she asked, her voice getting louder.

"She's already gone," I replied coldly, feeling frustrated with the whole situation. I was not going to cover it up anymore. i was more curious to see what she would do.

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