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 I could hear the gunfire echoing through the hallway as I fired back, trying to create enough of a distraction to make my escape. The sound of bullets whizzing past my head was deafening, and I knew that one wrong move could mean the end for both Ava and me. 

 As the shots began to calm down, I took a chance and ran across the hall, heading straight for the huge window at the end. I jumped, feeling the wind rush past me as I sailed through the air, my heart pounding in my chest. 

 Ava followed close behind, but as she jumped, I heard a sharp crack and saw her fall, landing awkwardly between the broken shards of glass. I pulled her out and held her close, feeling her warm blood seeping through my suit. 

 "An escape car is behind the station," she said, gasping for breath. "We have to go now." 

 I carried her to my car and drove as fast as I could to my secret lab, a place where I had everything I needed to save her life. I placed her on a desk, gently propping her up so I could assess her wounds.

 "You're going to be okay," I told her, trying to hide my fear. 

 Ava looked around the room, her eyes taking in the sight of the organs in capsules, the knives, and the body I was forming. She seemed afraid, but I could see that she trusted me. 

 "You've lost a lot of blood," I said, gently lifting her shirt to inspect the wound. "I need to remove the bullet and stitch you up." 

 She was scared, but she nodded, telling me to do whatever it took to save her. 

 I took a moment to notice how good her heart was, beating steadily even in the face of danger. I saw the good in her, and I knew that she saw it in me, too. 

 "I'll make sure you live on," I promised her, even though she didn't quite understand what I meant.

"what?"she said 

 I started to cut her open, my hands shaking with the weight of what I was doing.

Ava screamed, i just ignored it.

I removed her heart and brain, the two most important parts of her that I needed for my experiment. I placed them inside the new being I was creating, injecting chemicals to ensure that the body would function properly. I hooked up the machine that monitored its vital signs, and to my relief, I saw signs of life. 

Only the bone structure remained, for it to be organized and ready to move, i already had someone meaningful for that, just that i would not have to kill anymore.

The city was on lock down, and officers were crawling the streets, looking for me. 

My heart was racing as I dug up the coffin of my mother. I had been so focused on my experiment that I hadn't even considered the possibility that my mother might still be alive. I couldn't help but wonder where her bones had gone, as I frantically searched through the dirt.

"I'm here for you, Mom," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. But there was no response, only the sound of dirt falling as I dug deeper and deeper. 

 Finally, I reached the bottom of the coffin, but there was nothing inside. No bones, no remains. It was as if my mother had never even existed. I couldn't believe it. Had my entire life been a lie? Was my mother really still alive somewhere? 

 As I stood there in disbelief, I suddenly heard the sound of helicopters and vehicles surrounding me. , fully cloaked and armed with huge guns and bulletproof shields.

This was it, no second chance, no one else to save me. I had been careless and had let my excitement get the best of me. But now it was too late to turn back. 

 I slowly stood up and raised my hands in surrender. The officers approached me cautiously, their weapons at the ready. I could see the fear in their eyes, and I knew they were not going to take any chances with me. 

 "Put your hands behind your head and get on your knees," one of them commanded. 

 I did as I was told, feeling the weight of their weapons trained on me. I knew that my life was in their hands, and that there was nothing I could do to change the situation.

 As I knelt there in the dirt, I couldn't help but think about Ava. She was still in my lab, bleeding and alone. I had promised her that I would save her, but now I was the one who needed saving.

Once again, I found myself being carried. But this time, it was different. This time, I heard the sound of every vehicle surrounding me and I could feel all the weapons pointed at me. As the van stopped, I heard powerful screams of joy. I was thrown out of the vehicle and dragged until I could stand on my own.

I took a moment to gather myself, trying to remain composed as I looked up. What I saw before me was the Marvin James Stadium, a massive structure with enormous walls surrounding it, beautiful lights and every bleacher full, even the ground was packed with people. 

I was pulled inside and saw a huge stage, and on this stage a  perfectly carved out of piece of would making a strange shape

It was the chopping block.

I walked up to it, proud and defiant, with no regret.  Stones and fruits were thrown at me, but I didn't flinch. I knew what was coming next, and I was ready for it.

"Charles Stuart, You are guilty of: serial murder, decapitation, abduction, unlawful sex, and aggravated desecration". i looked at him with no expression, it was sir. John Volcan. The Warden of the of the most secured prison in the entire country. I looked at him dead in the eye with no expression.

"By the order of our leader, the Prime minister, and the consent of the 12 ministers, in power, you are here by sentenced to death, on this day, August the sixth of the two thousand and twenty third year of the lords calendar". 

I nodded in understanding. He seemed surprise my my lack of fear. 

The crowds screamed for my death.

As i stood before the crowd i took a look, everywhere, everyone chanting "Let him pay!", i looked around all the angry, sad, thrilled, and laughing faces. i looked at a dark corner and saw a very tall old man, brownish hair, his skin, badly sun burnt. He was different, just watching, no expression.

A tear fell my eyes, but i quickly wiped it, if the crowd could only see themselves, hypocrites, cheering a man as he stands before his execution.

This would not be the first time history would punish a Stuart Unjustly. Only i lacked the red dress, and i was not in the fifteen hundreds. I only wished she had been my mother, At least i would know she was dead and it would be because she saved me. Not the one i had running off, where ever she was, if she was still alive.

"Do you have any last words". Sir. John said.

I gasped before i opened my mouth and the following words fell out, "May i find peace where ever i may go, and if there truly is a GOD, may he comfort me and forgive me, for i have failed".

As i knelt, i lay my head gently on the chopping block and closed my eyes. 

I suddenly opened them back and their they were, my mother and father, at the table of a beautiful red house, i was on the fields running with children, which seemed to be Ava and Reggie, and aunt Mary-Lou was their too, she yelled "children its time for lunch!"as we ran to the table. 

As i sat, i heard the cheers and screams, but only saw my family and friends, then as i was about to take the first spoon into my mouth, it all disappeared, as if the world had been swallowed by a vacuum.

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